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Purchase of special line for iplc

Cross border special lines take Hong Kong's sufficient international bandwidth resources as a springboard. Overseas data is transmitted through exclusive international special lines, without going through China's Internet international export, bypassing the bottleneck of Internet export, ensuring that the average transmission delay of data interaction is about 20ms, and the packet loss rate is less than 1/10000. Fundamentally ensure the smooth data exchange of multinational enterprises, and the implementation cost is only a fraction of the cost of directly renting international data lines, with a good performance price ratio. The main switch of 10GbE optical fiber direct connection cabinet guarantees the bandwidth availability rate of more than 99.99%, which solves the problem of unstable or slow access to foreign networks for domestic dedicated line customers.

How to buy fast access overseas host lines for overseas business?
When it comes to overseas hosts, the most popular ones in China are Hong Kong hosts, American hosts, Japanese and Korean hosts, Singapore hosts, etc., especially the overseas hosts of CN2 GIA lines, whose access speed is much faster than the general lines. Among them, Hong Kong's cn2 gia host is the fastest and the best line for China. Why? The physical distance determines that although the hosts in other regions have optimized lines, the physical distance is far. For example, the minimum ping value of the American hosts is 130ms.
How to determine whether the purchased IP is advanced anti DDoS IP?
Advanced anti DDoS IP is different from ordinary IP. It has DDoS protection and can resist various types of DDoS attacks. How to determine whether the IP you purchased is advanced anti DDoS IP? This requires first understanding the characteristics of advanced anti DDoS IP, and then combining the tool methods to judge.
What are the advantages of remote computer rental service and how to choose it?
Remote computer is a kind of computer equipment used through network connection. Users can operate without purchasing actual physical equipment. Remote computer services are usually used for high-performance computing, graphic design, video editing, games and other scenarios that need strong hardware support.
What are the advantages of the overseas version of cloud phone and how to choose it?
The cloud phone provides an efficient and convenient solution, especially for some users who need to test mobile applications, open more games, market promotion and other scenarios. It can be realized through cloud computing without purchasing physical devices, saving costs. The overseas version of cloud phone provides many advantages and has become an ideal choice for many individuals and enterprises. Now we will introduce the advantages and selection methods of the overseas version of cloud phone.
Which foreign node is better for purchasing ECS?
The application scenarios of ECS are very extensive. It can not only be used to build various types of websites, but also be used for development and testing, applets, games and other purposes. With elastic scalability, security and stability, it has become the first choice for more and more enterprises and individuals. Foreign cloud servers provide better network coverage and connect the Chinese mainland and overseas markets, which are favored by many users. However, to select an appropriate foreign ECS node, we need to consider many aspects. Let's talk about it.
What are the advantages of cloud storage, and how to expand when there is insufficient space?
Cloud storage space, that is, data is stored on multiple virtual servers that are usually hosted by a third party, rather than on exclusive servers. Cloud storage is a service accessed through Web service application program interface (API) or web-based user interface. The hosting company operates a large data center, and those who need data storage and trusteeship meet the data storage needs by purchasing or leasing storage space from them.
Why is the download rate of 10M server not 10M
For a server with 10M bandwidth, the download speed must be 10M. However, after using 10M bandwidth, the download speed is far from 10M/s. In fact, your perception is not wrong, nor is the bandwidth provider's data wrong
Which service providers provide free trial and testing of Hong Kong servers?
The free trial and testing of Hong Kong servers is the key to ensuring network performance and security. Many users want to test the performance and availability of servers before buying them, and decide whether to buy them based on the test data. Now let's share some Hong Kong server manufacturers that support free testing and application.
Where can I buy cheap vps ECS abroad? Recommended by foreign vps service providers
Warner Cloud hncloud is a Hong Kong hosting company, mainly providing cloud servers, server rental, advanced DDoS defense servers and other products, with prices ranging from low to medium to high, suitable for large, medium and small enterprises and individual users. Overseas ECS is as low as 16 yuan/month, with 5M CN2 GIA direct connection line.
How to buy low-cost ECS recommended by foreign countries?
How to buy low-cost cloud servers abroad? What are some good recommendations? When choosing low price ECS, the price is generally the focus of most users. But when purchasing ECS, you need to consider not only the price, but also the performance, network speed and stability of ECS. The following are some foreign server providers that provide low-cost ECS with good host performance and high reliability.
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