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Label: Website dead link

 How to view website dead links and optimize dead links - New Start Blog
SEO technology

How to view website dead links and optimize dead links

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The so-called website dead chain is simply that there are links that cannot be opened in our website. These links refer to the links of the website itself, and the links published by the external chain are not counted. We all know that more dead links have a great impact on our website. It will cause the spider to climb the website for a long time without unblocked access, which will cause the spider to lose trust in the website crawling, and will reduce the website crawling over time, finally

 New site optimization skills: how to quickly and effectively optimize and improve website SEO ranking - New Start Blog
SEO technology

New site optimization skills: how to quickly and effectively optimize and improve website SEO ranking

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How to optimize the promotion of new websites is the most important issue for every website owner. As we all know, the new website has a one to three month evaluation period, which is also known as the sandbox period. During this period, the new website is generally in the search engine observation period, and it is difficult to obtain the ranking of keywords. How can a new website quickly improve its keyword ranking after optimization

 How to optimize the dead links of websites -- Henan SEO New Start Blog
Technology sharing

How to optimize the dead links of websites -- Henan SEO

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How to optimize the dead company of the website - Henan SEO. The causes and handling methods of website deadlock. To put it simply, dead links refer to links that were normal but failed later. When a dead link sends a request, the server returns a 404 error page. Reasons for dead links: 1. Dynamic links become dead links when the database no longer supports them

 How to quickly find and clean up the dead links in the website - New Start Blog
Technology sharing

How to quickly find and clean up the dead links in the website

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Today, Tiger Brother SEO shares with you how to quickly find and clean up the dead chain in the station. A few days ago, my colleague came to ask me how to delete these dead links quickly because of the website revision. Then I will share with you here. How to quickly find the dead link in the website and clean up what is the dead link of the website? We often say that the website has dead links and invalid links