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Label: website construction

 The basic process of website construction, four steps to guide you to understand the website production process - New Start Blog
Technical Tutorial

The basic process of website construction, four steps to guide you to understand the website production process

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The website production process includes three stages: preliminary preparation, web design, and program coding. Among them: the preliminary preparation stage mainly determines the type and function of the website; The web design stage is mainly to complete the art design of the home page of the website and realize the interaction between users and the website; The key point of the program coding stage is to complete the programming of the whole system on the basis of the first two stages. Website construction


How much does website production cost? Website construction, customized applet development

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An enterprise or a company needs a website to support it anyway, because if others know your company, they must want to check some information about your company on the network. When customers check, they have no information. Information from peers may also appear, and our customers may be taken away directly. If you haven't set up your own website, then I will set up

 Bootstrap framework: a very beautiful HTML 5 resume template page, responsive graduation work template - New Start blog
Site Template

Bootstrap framework: a very beautiful HTML 5 resume template web page, responsive graduation work template

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A very beautiful HTML5 resume template, fully responsive, compatible with computers, mobile phones, tablets, using the Bootstrap front-end framework, with case presentations, personal introductions, professional skills, contact information, work experience and other modules, is a perfect resume template. After downloading, simply change the name and link inside to use. What are you waiting for? Hurry up if you like

 How does WordPress add an administrator account through the database - New Start Blog
Technology sharing

How does WordPress add an administrator account through the database

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It is a common thing in the network circle that websites are hacked. A colleague of mine met a hacker who hacked his website to ask him for money, and finally deleted all the data without giving it. Another case is that users of the website are hacked, and their administrator accounts have been deleted from the database. Another is to forget the account password, which is clearly retrieved. But if it involves

Technology sharing

Why do newcomers prefer Hong Kong VPS

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For many novice webmaster friends, they tend to hesitate at the initial stage of website construction. If they want to build a website, they have more confidence in which server to rent. The price is cheap, the configuration is sufficient, and everything is difficult at the beginning. Choosing a better platform to deploy the website can make the website promotion and business development more efficient. In terms of platform selection, bloggers here

SEO technology

How to attract eyeballs and increase exposure rate in website construction

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Increasing website exposure is often studied by network optimization, because the general purpose of enterprise website construction is to better promote their own companies and websites. So how to increase the exposure rate and attract eyeballs in website construction? We need to combine the following skills: 1. The website is simple and highlights the key points. If your website has a variety of icons and dense text, so that you can visit

 What are the reasons why the website is affected by K - New Start Blog
SEO technology

What are the reasons for the website being K

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In fact, it is very possible for a site to encounter the phenomenon of being K if it is not careful. What are the reasons for being K? New Start Blog summarizes the following dozens of reasons related to the website being K: modify the title: often modify the title, or change beyond recognition (such as: website construction is changed to: web page construction) website revision: change the program, road

 How to optimize SEO website- New Start Blog
SEO technology

How to optimize SEO website?

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When we are building a website, the first thing you need to think about is positioning. You can upload the website only after positioning is done well. There are not many words about small index and big competition now, but there will be more when the time comes. You should know that the number of people learning SEO is increasing all the time. 1、 How to do SEO optimization website seo to think from two perspectives: ue user experience. Second: Website optimization