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Label: experience in building a website

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Do you need to put the website online when filing domain names

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No, it is recommended not to go online. Website process: Generally, websites first apply for domain names -- purchase servers (hosts) -- submit for filing -- create websites -- test websites -- and finally go online. Why should domain names be filed? The purpose of domain name filing is to prevent illegal website business activities on the Internet and to combat the spread of bad Internet information

 How to set WordPress to disable user access? Only administrator/editor/role can open the background - New Start Blog
Technology sharing

How to set WordPress to disable user access, only administrator/editor/role can open the background

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How does WordPress set to prevent users from accessing the background, but administrators/editors/roles can fully access the WordPress background? This function is still needed for those who have designed the member function, and it doesn't make sense for general sites. Find the appearance in the background Find the function PHP file. Set the following two

web front end

How to set the overall black, white and gray CSS code of the website page

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If we meet some commemorative festivals or commemorative people, many friends and enterprises set their websites as black, white and gray pages, how about setting them? In fact, the method is very simple. We just need to copy and paste the code into the CSS file. The CSS code is as follows: The content here has been hidden by the author, please enter the verification code

 How to delete useless plug-ins in WordPress and delete redundant database forms - New Start Blog
Technology sharing

How to delete useless plug-ins in WordPress and delete redundant database forms

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When configuring the WordPress site, we will install many plug-ins to achieve the functions we need, but sometimes for various reasons, such as no need for the corresponding functions, or find a better alternative plug-in, we no longer need this plug-in. At this time, we should remove the corresponding plug-in, and this article will share WordPress

web front end

The value of the message submission drop-down box cannot be obtained when submitting with AJAX without refreshing

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When building a website, customers need to have a message function. In order to better experience, we use AJAX non refresh to submit messages. However, when a field contains a drop-down box, sometimes it is found that it cannot be submitted and the select value of the drop-down box cannot be obtained. After checking, the original code:<select name="provi