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Label: PHP

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Wordpress whole site calls random article code

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Bloggers may notice the "random articles" section in some websites when browsing blogs, which not only enriches the website content, but also may extend the stay time of visitors on your blog, reduce the bounce rate of the website, and help SEO! Today, let's share the PHP code of randomly calling articles in the New Start blog! Code 1:<? php glo...

Technology sharing

How to sort the WordPress search results page from new to old

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There is a lot of demand for sorting page results. The sorting of customized pages depends on how to write them now. As for other system pages such as "search results page", there are two methods. Today, let's talk about how to use a hook mechanism to control processing to avoid the complexity of inheriting and rewriting the page! Mainly use the posts_orderby Fi

 How to use Redis New Start Blog in ThinkPaRP6

How to use Redis in ThinkPaRP6

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How to use Redis in ThinkPaRP6? Today, I saw an article on the Internet about how to use Redis, which I feel is good. I will share it with you today. I hope it can help everyone. My server is CentOS 8.2, and then the pagoda panel is installed. If the environment is different, you need to install Re according to your own environment

 WordPress Begin4.6 Theme responsive design blog, magazine, picture, company enterprise template multiple layouts - New Start blog
Wp Blog Theme

WordPress Begin4.6 Theme responsive design blog, magazine, picture, company enterprise template multiple layouts

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Theme introduction: The robin begin theme is a WordPress theme that many webmasters like because of its perfect functions in all aspects, among which our Aiyababa website also uses the robin theme. This article shares the robin begin4.6 version, a perfect cracked version, which can be downloaded and used freely without binding a domain name, and this version


How php connects access database code

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PHP Tutorial Connecting to Access Database Tutorial code provides three methods for PHP connecting to access database. One is to use PHP's pdo, and the other is to use ODBC, com interfaces to connect to access database*/// Use pdo to connect $path="f:

CMS website building tutorial

Imperial CMS judges that the field value is empty and displays different contents

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The method of displaying different contents when the judgment field value shared by Imperial cms tutorial network is empty is applicable to content pages and list pages. You can take one example and use it flexibly! The empire is very powerful, only unexpected, nothing can not be done. If the Imperial CMS judges that the field value is empty and different content pages are displayed, use the variable $navinfor [field]: