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Label: PbootCMS

CMS website building tutorial

How to modify the default breadcrumb navigation style and user-defined setting method of PbootCMS

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When building a website with PbootCMS, breadcrumb navigation is an important element, which can help users quickly understand the location and path of the current page. However, the default breadcrumb style of the system may not meet our needs. How can we modify it to meet our needs? This requires some modification and customization. Bread crumbs call Pb

CMS website building tutorial

Describes how to prevent PbootCms from automatically extracting pictures from articles as thumbnails

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PbootCms is a content management system based on PHP, which is used to quickly build websites. It has the function of automatically extracting the first picture in an article as a thumbnail, but sometimes this function is not applicable to all situations. This article will introduce how to prevent PbootCms from automatically extracting pictures in articles as thumbnails. Open IDE tool

CMS website building tutorial

How to call channel content such as company profile in pbootcms website

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In the pbootcms website, the home page usually contains channel content such as company profile. Therefore, we can use the pboot: content tag to call the content of the corresponding channel and display it on the home page. This article will introduce how to use the pboot: content tag in pbootcms to call the company profile and other channels

CMS website building tutorial

How to call site information to the foreground page in PbootCMS

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PbootCMS provides a series of tags to conveniently call the site configuration information to the foreground page, including the site entry address, site title, site domain name and other information. Using these tags can make website development more efficient and convenient. Usage 1 First, log in to the background of PbootCMS and enter "Basic Content&..."

CMS website building tutorial

No data solution found in the PbootCMS search

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When you develop a website using PbootCMS, you may encounter the situation that the search function does not search for any data, even if there is content matching the search keywords in the database. This article will introduce how to solve the problem that no data is found in the PbootCMS search, and how to use the PbootCMS multi criteria search function. Solution: Search

 PbootCMS Realizes Digital Bar Pagination Style Effect - New Start Blog
CMS website building tutorial

PbootCMS realizes digital strip paging style effect

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When developing a website with PbootCMS, if you need to implement the paging function, you can use the paging component provided with PbootCMS. The digital bar is a very common paging effect. This article will introduce how to use the digital bar paging effect of PbootCMS and how to modify the appearance of the digital bar through CSS style. Realize digital strip paging effect