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Label: technology sharing

 How to display pictures and texts with WeChat page forwarding and sharing to WeChat friends circle - New Start Blog
Technology sharing

How to display pictures and texts with WeChat page forwarding and sharing to WeChat friends circle

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To achieve H5 pure static page sharing to WeChat friends circle with picture display, we need preconditions 1. WeChat public account has been successfully authenticated 2. Add js security domain name to WeChat public account 3. Add IP whitelist (server extranet ip) HTML code part:<? Php//Step 1. Set appid and appsec

 How to set the WeChat public account to automatically reply to customized settings, and add customized click links - New Start Blog
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How to set the WeChat public account to automatically reply to customized settings, and add customized click links

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On WeChat public account, we must know how to set automatic reply and customized menu. Today, however, Share Resources will share the advanced version of the reply content mode. A little bit of dot code! The new function that the editor brings to you today is: click the WeChat public account message to automatically reply to the content! This effect is actually keyword reply

 How does WordPress implement Zhihu's embedded card style, and how to use links to create card code - New Start Blog
Technology sharing

How does WordPress implement Zhihu embedded card style, and how to use links to create card code

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New Start Blog once tried to put the link of this article at the end of the article when writing an article, but suddenly found that after pasting the link, it formed the same embedded card style as Zhihu by default. The blogger really doesn't know which version of WordPress started this function. Paste the corresponding article URL or article link directly in the article editor

Technology sharing

Wordpress implements that an article can only be commented on the same IP once, and pure code does not need plug-ins

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When using WordPress to build a website, we often encounter the problem of spam messages. Some people send spam messages through the machine, and hundreds of them are sent at a time. This is very annoying. Therefore, some people simply turn off the comment function on the WordPress website. If your WordPress topic must use comments, there is a

Technology sharing

How does Wordpress restrict users from logging in at the same time in multiple places, except for administrators who are prohibited from logging in at multiple places

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How does WordPress restrict users from logging in at the same time in multiple places? It prohibits users from logging in at multiple places. Except administrators, other users are not allowed to log in at the same time in multiple places. Copy and paste the following code into the wp background appearance - function pcl_user_has_concurren in the function.php file in the theme settings

Technology sharing

How does WordPress clean up uncommon code in wp_head

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Why do you want to clean up the uncommon code in wp_head? People who make websites should be clear about this, all for the sake of website loading speed and search engine friendliness. Today, the blogger has sorted out several codes that are not commonly used. It is recommended that people who understand the code program use these. Don't blindly move things inside to prevent the website program from not working properly. remove...