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Computer Tutorial

Software self-study network is a computer basic course website in the New Start blog. It is a professional learning network that provides easy to understand computer courses, computer security courses, computer general knowledge, computer system courses, notebook system installation courses, system installation courses and other computer software courses! www.henenseo.com
 How to switch Win10 to a separate video card - New Start Blog

How to switch Win10 to a separate video card

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Sometimes we need to switch the video card to a separate video card when using the computer. Do you know how Win10 can switch to a separate video card? For this reason, the system tutorial network provides you with a simple method of switching from Win10 to independent graphics card. Here you can easily use this method to obtain the settings you want. Win10 Switch to Independent Graphics

 What to do if Win10 cannot find the PIN code and fingerprint options in the login options - New Start Blog

What if Win10 can't find the PIN code and fingerprint options in the login options

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What if Win10 cannot find the PIN code and fingerprint options in the login options? We want the computer to be able to set the computer password, and the PIN code and fingerprint options are common choices, but there is nothing to do in the login options. For this reason, we bring you a detailed solution for not finding the PIN code and fingerprint options, so that you can easily solve all kinds of problems you encounter

 The webpage opens and shows 502 bad gateway - New Start Blog

The webpage opens and displays 502 bad gateway

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What about 502 bad gateway displayed on the webpage? What should I do when I encounter this situation when I open the computer? For this reason, we bring you a detailed web page to open and display 502 bad gateway solutions. Here you can easily solve your problems through this method. Web page open display 502 bad

How to solve the problem that the Win10 administrator prevents running the program

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Sometimes when the computer system is operating, the application will be blocked from opening. How can the Win10 administrator prevent running the program? For this reason, the system tutorial network provides you with a detailed solution for Win10 administrators to prevent running programs. Here you can easily solve this problem through this method and bring you better operation services. Win10 Administrator

 What to do if the Win10 system's own application fails to open - New Start Blog

What to do if the Win10 system's own application cannot be opened

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In daily computer operation, many children have encountered that the application program of the computer system cannot be opened. What should we do if the application program of Win10 system cannot be opened? For this reason, we have brought you a detailed solution to the problem that the Win10 system's own applications can not be opened, so that you can easily obtain better computer operation services. Win10 system from

 How to view network card properties in Win10 - New Start Blog

How to view network card properties in Win10

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How does Win10 view network card properties? Sometimes we need to check the properties of the network card because of some requirements, but some kids don't know how to operate. For this reason, we bring you a detailed introduction to how to view the properties of the network card in Win10, so that you can easily and quickly get the operation you want. How to view network card properties in Win10

 How to View Windows Firewall Monitor Status in Win10 - New Start Blog

How to View Windows Firewall Monitor Status in Win10

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How does Win10 view Windows Firewall Monitor status? In the process of using the computer, it is inevitable to be invaded and other operations, and the firewall is a very important protection guarantee. For this reason, the system tutorial network brings you a detailed introduction to Win10 to view the status of the Windows firewall monitor, so that you can easily find the information you need

Random code when Win10 uses Edge browser

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Random code when Win10 uses Edge browser? Edge browser is the browser resource that comes with Win10, but some partners have garbled code when using it, but they don't know what to do. So the system tutorial network brings you a detailed solution to the garbled code when using Edge browser in Win10. Here you can easily solve it

 After reinstalling the system, the computer prompts how to solve the problem without audio equipment - New Start Blog

After reinstalling the system, the computer prompts how to solve the problem without audio equipment

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In the process of using the computer, sometimes we can't help listening to music and watching movies, but after the computer reinstalls the system, it prompts that there is no audio device. How can we solve this problem? For this reason, the system tutorial network brings you a detailed computer reinstallation system and prompts that there is no audio device solution. Here you can easily solve your own problems and get good system play operations