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How does Baidu handle duplicate content and collection stations?

Some people who are not in the same industry have contacted Henan SEO Said that they often go to some websites to find some ready-made articles, and then slightly process them into their own. I don't know whether Baidu can detect it. First of all, no matter how Baidu detects it, it will do more, which will certainly affect the ranking of the website. What about Baidu's repeated content?

Will duplicate content and collection stations be punished by search engines?

1. Baidu will eventually punish duplicate content. The first thing to be clear is the duplicate content and the collection station. There are still some differences. At present, Baidu has no obvious signs of cracking duplicate content. It is also understandable. Baidu is repeating content without penalty.

Although there are so many SEO experts, when making website diagnosis, they will discuss the number of duplicate content on external websites. Usually, the webmaster tool will be used to calculate whether it is linked to the original text! Here, everyone is obsessed with this problem: after the article is forwarded, the ranking is higher than their own ranking. Baidu is clearly trying to solve this problem, but it is still in the testing stage. We can see the hope of the recently launched bear's paw number. The webmaster of the authority can submit the original content under the original protection of the bear's paw. In particular, the time of the article needs to be accurate to the second point: this is a very clear signal that the website has original protection. Once the link is reviewed and submitted, the original search will be added to the search display on the mobile end, and the ranking will naturally be higher than the forwarded article.

2. The content of the content collection with such a high ranking of the content collection should be divided into two types, mainly the following two situations: (1) the authority website forwarding authority website forwarding, after Baidu launched the bear palm number, there will be obvious improvement, then why Baidu will provide this part of the website with high-level forwarding content, which has a certain relationship with the authority of the website and the original proportion, And in order to better display high-quality articles on the search results page, it can be understood from the perspective of information dissemination that the forwarding of authoritative websites will be accompanied by copyright links, and new external links will be established for new radio stations. (2) The whole site is completely different from the whole site. Although the content of large collections will keep the website updated, it will also be found that the collection is good, but there is almost no ranking of the content of the collection. This is also the current news. A small reason why chains can survive! After Baidu launched the Hurricane algorithm, it was obvious that the attitude was to hit bad collection websites. It seems that even tolerance will become a bubble in the future.

3. Internal duplicate content will be punished for this problem. Baidu expresses relatively vague. In the recently launched Breeze algorithm, Baidu emphasizes not to optimize the title too much and increase the ranking in the form of keyword accumulation, which means that the title is not too repetitive. Previously, some SEO experts also said that the use of synonyms or disguised keywords as titles to create multiple pages to cover keywords has not yet been advocated, and as many articles as possible, such as the efficacy of tremella fuciformis, the nutritional value of these two titles, for agaric, you will see that there will be separate pages on multiple food websites, but as far as their content is concerned, the answers are almost the same, Baidu hopes you can combine these two issues. For example, what is the nutritional value of tremella, its role and effect? In any case, no matter which platform it is, it is like original content. No matter how you deal with other people's works, it is still others'. If you want to make the website rank higher, you must at least ensure that the website has original content, otherwise the lower the weight of the website, the lower the weight of the website. I don't think you want to run a website that is not as good as one day.

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