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Adobe Family Bucket - Release 2022 installation tutorial and cracked version download

Software Introduction
Adobe Prelude, called Pl for short, is a professional video editing software produced by Adobe. Adobe Prelude software combines excellent performance, beautiful improved user interface and many wonderful creative functions, including dynamic timeline cutting, extended multi machine editing, layer adjustment, etc. It can be used to structure or simplify the video production workflow, so as to make work more efficient. The software has many functions, including transcription, cutting and metadata annotation. Practitioners can use Adobe Prelude to quickly preprocess a large number of video materials for subsequent production.
Function introduction
Media management: Adobe Prelude 2022 provides powerful media management functions, which can organize, mark, filter and search various media files, making it convenient for users to manage and organize media assets.
Clipping and clipping: The software supports the function of clipping and clipping. Users can quickly clip video clips, adjust the clipping order, add tags and comments, etc., to prepare for subsequent editing.
Metadata and keywords: Prelude supports adding metadata and keyword tags. Users can add details and tags to media files to facilitate subsequent retrieval and filtering.
Multi camera workflow: The software supports multi camera workflow, and users can synchronize the materials of multiple cameras, switch and preview from multiple angles, simplifying the management and editing of multi camera projects.
Clip logs and comments: Prelude supports creating clip logs and adding comments. Users can record clip decisions, edit guides, and project descriptions to facilitate sharing and communication with teams.
Transcoding and proxy file: The software supports transcoding and proxy file generation. Users can convert high-resolution media files into low-resolution proxy files to improve editing efficiency and processing performance.
Integration with other Adobe software: Prelude can be seamlessly integrated with other Adobe creative cloud applications (such as Premiere Pro and After Effects) to facilitate users to share and collaborate files and content between different software.
Software installation
1. Right click to unzip to "Prelude 2022"
2. Find and select Set up, right click "Run as administrator"
3. Select the software installation path and select [Change Location]. It is not recommended to install it directly on disk C. You can create a folder on other disks. Click Continue
4. The software is being installed, please wait patiently
5. Click "Close"
6. Double click the icon to run the software to use it!


File name: Adobe Family Bucket - Release 2022 installation tutorial and cracked version download

Updated on: August 9, 2023

File size: 1.5GB

Tip: Please contact the webmaster if there is any problem, infringement or download link failure! Email: xinqidianblog@163.com

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