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How many times will the WeChat public account be blocked for violation? How to appeal the violation?

The public account is an important content producer on the WeChat platform, which can provide users with rich information, entertainment, services and other content. However, your public account content violates the provisions of the WeChat public platform, and will also face the risk of being blocked. So, how many times will the WeChat public account be blocked for violating the rules? How to appeal for violations?

First of all, it needs to be clear that WeChat public platform has a series of provisions, including but not limited to the following:

  1. Do not publish content that violates national laws, regulations, policies and relevant provisions of WeChat public platform;
  2. It is not allowed to release vulgar, pornographic, violent, terrorist and other harmful information;
  3. Do not publish false, misleading or fraudulent information;
  4. It is not allowed to release improper remarks involving politics and sensitive events;
  5. They shall not infringe upon the intellectual property rights or other legitimate rights and interests of others.

1. How many times will the WeChat public account be blocked for violation?

WeChat official account will decide whether to seal the account according to the severity of the violation. The first discovery is a warning and delete the article. The second suspension is for 7 days, the third suspension is for 15 days, the fourth suspension is for 30 days, and the fifth suspension is for permanent sealing. Those who do not comply with the rules will also withdraw their original authorizations. At the same time, public accounts that violate the rules more than three times also lose a lot of transaction value.

3. How to appeal the violation of WeChat official account?

First, you need to log in to the background of WeChat public account, and then find the entrance to appeal. The user can select the avatar in the upper right corner, find the sign of Little Bell, and then find the notice of violation - click the blue one in the notice to appeal.

Or you can set and develop violation records in the menu bar on the left of the public account, find the notice of violation, and click the blue one in the notice to appeal. There will be an appeal content after entering the appeal initiation, including the appeal reason and appeal supporting materials, which can be filled in and uploaded according to the actual situation.

4. Why does Twitter on WeChat official account violate the rules?

1. False or bad information in the article is reported

If there is any bad information or untrue information in the article, it is likely to be reported and deleted by the system. However, this violation is caused by being reported, so we should pay attention to the truth of the content when we send a message

2. Sensitive words appear in the article

The most common reason for the violation of articles may be the appearance of sensitive words in articles. We should pay attention to the standardization of words when editing articles on public accounts to avoid the occurrence of violations.

3. Plagiarism is reported

If the published article plagiarizes the content of others, the original author finds and reports the article, and also provides evidence of unauthorized publication and original marking, the WeChat official account will delete the article after official verification, and may also suspend the original marking function of the official account.

5. Where are the violation records of WeChat official account?

1. Open the browser in your computer to search for "WeChat official account", and then click the link with official words.

2. After entering the main interface, you need to log in first. You can enter the account password or directly scan the code to log in.

3. After logging into the WeChat public account, find the violation record and click it. The violation record will be displayed in the pop-up interface.

WeChat official account will decide whether to seal the account according to the severity of the violation. The first time it is found is to warn and delete the article.

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