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How to improve the amount of keyword search and display?

To improve the comprehensive presentation of website keywords, the following aspects need to be comprehensively considered:

1. Keyword research: First, we need to fully study the target keywords to understand the search volume, competition, relevance, user intention and other information of the keywords, so as to better optimize the website content.

2. Content optimization: add high-quality content related to target keywords, including articles, pictures, videos, etc., and keep it updated and diversified to attract more visitors and improve the user experience.

3. Keyword density: use keywords reasonably in website content, do not over stack, and keep natural and fluent language to avoid affecting user experience and search engine judgment.

4. Link optimization: improve the weight and credibility of the website through internal and external links, and strengthen the links between the internal pages of the website to improve the depth of user visits and stay time.

5. Social media: promote website content through social media platforms, attract more visitors and users, and increase the website's exposure and popularity.

6. Technical optimization: optimize the technical structure and page loading speed of the website, improve user access experience and search engine evaluation, and increase the accessibility and stability of the website.

In short, to improve the comprehensive presentation of website keywords, we need to start from many aspects, comprehensively consider various factors, and constantly optimize and improve website content and technology to improve user visits and search engine rankings.

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