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PbootCMS website building system installation operation tutorial | Template must be read by novices

Environmental requirements:

PbootCMS source code configuration requirements

Server: Linux/Windows/ Nginx?/?Apache / IIS

PHP version: no less than 5.3, perfect support for php7. Recommended PHP5.6 and PHP7.3

MYSQL version: above 5.0. Recommended 5.5+

Tip: By default, the PbootCMS uses the sqlite database, and there is no need to configure the database. If you need to use mysql instead, you can modify it in/config/database.php.

Front end specification: html+css+jQuery

Program running environment: linux+nginx/linux+apache/windows+iis (supporting php5.4+)/other supporting php5.4+environments

Rapid deployment:

1. Upload all files and folders in the compressed package downloaded from the official website to the root directory of your website (it supports installation in the secondary directory). It can be your own host server or local. Enter the domain name and open the authorization page. Go directly to the official website of pbootcms for free authorization. No matter the secondary domain name or the primary domain name, it is free of charge. PbootCMS website: www.pbootcms.com

2. Log in to the background in your domain name/admin.php.

Account: admin
Password: admin or 123456

If the password is incorrect, you can use the Reset Password tool to reset the password: Pbootcms Password Reset Tool

3. At the bottom of Background - Global Configuration - Configuration Parameters, fill in the authorization code just applied for:
4. Change the site information to your current domain name.
5. For the pseudo static problem, take the pagoda panel as an example. As shown in the figure:

6. Template folder path

 Root directory/template/default


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