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Download the latest version of WinSCP tool! Super easy-to-use FTP tool

WinSCP is a free and easy to use ftp tool with simple interface, stable use and fast speed. It is a very excellent FTP tool software. WinSCP is an open source graphical SFTP client for SSH in Windows environment. SCP (Secure CoPy) file transfer software that supports SSH (Secure SHell). It also supports the SCP protocol. Its main function is to copy files securely between local and remote computers, and to edit files directly. WinSCP WinSCP is an open source SFTP client that runs under Windows and is released according to the GPL. In addition to SFTP, WinSCP also supports SSH and SCP. There is no problem with general file operations, such as copying, moving, renaming files or folders, etc.

Official download address: https://winscp.net/eng/index.php




File name: WinSCP Tools

Updated on: March 21, 2023

File size: 10.5MB

Tip: Please contact the webmaster if there is any problem, infringement or download link failure! Email: xinqidianblog@163.com

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