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Factors you don't know to promote website ranking

Henan SEO We all know that many people are doing SEO. If you want to do a good job in ranking, you need to understand the core of SEO. Website ranking is the result of a comprehensive factor, so how to improve website ranking? Let's take a closer look.


Opening speed: The reason why we put the website opening speed first is that it will really have a great impact on the user experience. For example, if you enter a website and can't open it for half a day, will you be angry? What will you do after getting angry? You must close the window directly. Many people don't pay attention to this problem. They think that a little slow opening will not affect the ranking, but because you don't pay attention to this, your website will lose many potential customers.


Website structure: the website structure actually refers to whether your website structure uses the corresponding search engine spider to crawl. For Baidu, it should be a structure that is conducive to Baidu spider crawling, and for Google, it should be an English station that conforms to Google's index. The website structure is very unfriendly to search engines. The directory level is deep, and the source code is redundant and complex. Spiders rarely climb to the inner pages of the directory as deep as the website. How can your inner pages be included? How does it rank?


Content quality


Content readability: Content readability obviously refers to whether the content you update on the website can be read smoothly, smoothly and interestingly by users. The sentences of the article are not smooth, the words are wrong, the structure is unclear, and the subject is unclear; If you update such articles on the website, you are reducing the score of the website, because such articles belong to the content without any quality score, and Baidu will still index them. When Baidu indexes the proportion of these junk content on your website exceeds the proportion of high-quality content, Baidu is unlikely to give your website a high score.


Content audience group: To build a website is to create valuable content for users in order to make profits from users. It's a simple answer, but it will produce two different results when viewed by different people. This sentence contains a very simple truth: if you want to get something, you must give it up first. Only by giving others what they want, can you try to get what you want from them.


Content scarcity: Content scarcity refers to content differentiation. Now the Internet is flooded with homogeneous content, and unique content has become a scarce resource in the Internet. People who understand the market and economics know that scarce resources are always of high value. So the amount of scarce content on your website also determines the overall score of your website on a year-on-year basis. How to write optimization articles? Henan SEO mentioned earlier How to Write Optimization Articles If you don't understand, you can refer to it.


Popularity of user demand for content: this concept can be analyzed literally. Of course, user demand refers to the content that users really need; Popularity refers to the time and space classification of user needs. So your website should keep up with the current popularity needs of users.

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