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WordPress Theme: NewsGamer Game Movie News Magazine Blog Template Theme Download

NewsGamer is a professional response to the WordPress news magazine blog theme, suitable for news magazines, games, newspapers or advanced blog themes. This theme is a great choice to create a beautiful and powerful website!

NewsGamer News Magazine Blog Theme Features

HTML5 and CSS3 layout
Bootstrap 3.3.5
Fully responsive layout
One click demo content installation
Visual composer
ADS system creates standard image or AdSense code
Advanced Category Options - Set global options for categories or each category:
Category layout (12 different layouts)
Location of the sidebar (3 different layouts)
Posts per page
Paging template (2 different layouts)
Advertising system
Advanced Global Options
Post layout (7 different layouts)
Location of the sidebar (3 different layouts)
Relevant PO Box (position only)
Review position (position only)
Audio Post Options
Selection after video
Expand social sharing
Advertising system (banner position at the top, wallpaper banner or banner layout)
Unlimited sidebars – create any number of sidebars and use them for articles, pages, categories, archives, author pages
It is easy to apply to any magazine style website your architecture
drop-down menu
Class's main menu
WooCommerce compatible
Built in review system (percentage and score)
Rich fragment data mode for articles and comments
Google fonts, easy to change fonts from our theme options
Sticky navigation menu
Custom Parts

Installation and use instructions for common advanced theme templates
Because foreign advanced topics are provided in the compressed package: description documents, plug-ins, demonstration data, PSD files, etc., so all [Full Version] or [Official Full Genuine Version] or. 7z packed themes downloaded from the site need to be decompressed to the local machine first, then find the theme or plug-in or template file with the same name as the article name (usually there should be PHP files in this folder), and then compress it into the theme template folder uploaded by ZIP or directly copied to the website
For WordPress, because some theme files are large (4MB more than the limit of PHP. INI), they cannot be uploaded through theme options. Please unzip the theme or template folder and upload it to the theme folder via FTP
Common folder names of WordPress English description documents: documentation User Guide、Help, Usually HTML or PDF file format
Common folder names for WordPress English presentation data: demo or dummy data, Import file, and the general file format is XML
How does WordPress import XML presentation data? Look here
Why does my homepage display a blog instead of a demo after I import WordPress demo data? In the WP background, click Settings ->Read to see the home page display ->a static page (select below) ->select the page you want as the new home page
Why is my menu disordered in WordPress? Please go to Appearance ->Menu ->Menu and save a menu in the drop-down option
WordPress import demo XML data prompts many failures? This is because the original author did not provide you with an image to import, so it will fail. You can only edit the page and upload the article by yourself
__What does the MACOSX folder do? This is a special folder for Apple. It cannot be used in the WINDOS system and does not need to be uploaded to the server
What does Licensing do? This is an open source license and does not need to be uploaded to the server


File name: WordPress Theme: NewsGamer Game Movie News Magazine Blog Template Theme Download

Updated on: March 6, 2023

File size: 14.5MB

Tip: Please contact the webmaster if there is any problem, infringement or download link failure! Email: xinqidianblog@163.com

Click Download

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