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The latest seo keyword mining tutorial in 2023, Aizhan keyword/Baidu webmaster keyword tool

As for SEO optimizers, the selection of keywords needs to be based on the stage of the website, the selection of keywords needs a correct idea, and different selection methods need to be used for websites at different stages.
1、 For new websites, we need to find some long tail keywords when selecting keywords. For the keywords on the home page, we can first use the main keywords we need to do plus long tail keywords, because the new website has no traffic, and after the home page is included, we also need to bring some traffic with long tail keywords.
2、 For older websites, you can choose long tail keywords plus industry words, because old websites need big words to bring traffic and weight. In addition to knowing how to select keywords, you also need to know how to mine seo keywords:
First of all, we can use Baidu webmaster keyword mining tool or Aizhan keyword tool to mine keywords. The use of these two tools is relatively simple, so we won't talk about this anymore.
Secondly, we need to sort out and classify the keywords that have been mined, and then analyze the competitiveness of these keywords. The analysis of keyword competitiveness is based on the search index and the number of entries. For example, if the number of entries is large and the number of entries is low, we must not do this first.
Finally, we need to make a publishing order for these keywords. Generally speaking, we need to select the keywords that are easy to do first.

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