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Batch transfer of computer pictures to webp, Webp format converter assistant V1.0, HD lossless - free download

The image batch to webp assistant V1.0 is a picture format conversion software. This software can not only help users to convert a large number of images into webp format, but also convert them quickly. It is also quite simple and convenient to use. Users who need it should come to this site to download experience quickly. Compared with the limit of 1000 documents per time when a factory converts to webp, the maximum number of threads is only 4, and the speed is too slow, so a wheel is built for self use; This software supports batch and multi thread conversion of jpg, png, tif, gif and webp images to webp format; If the performance of your machine is not enough, the number of startup threads should not be set too high. Generally, 3 is recommended, otherwise you need to be prepared for computer jam.


1. Open the software and add the image to be converted.

2. Select the conversion path to start the conversion.


File name: Batch transfer of computer pictures to webp, Webp format converter assistant V1.0

Updated on: January 5, 2023

File size: 1.32MB

Tip: Please contact the webmaster if there is any problem, infringement or download link failure! Email: xinqidianblog@163.com

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