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How to climb the video of dithering - home page - like - collection, a solution to trouble

1. The following code is only for learning and communication, and its main function is to capture videos of users' home page - like videos - collection videos (only public users are supported). Too powerful to demonstrate. Download your own experience. If you want software, you can follow WeChat official account“ New Start Software Manager ”And reply“ Dithering reptile
2. After the program runs, a video folder will be generated in the current directory to store the captured video.

The codes are as follows (for reference only):

 import os import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup #Initialize folder def ini(): #Determine whether the video folder exists if not os.path.exists('video'): os.mkdir('video') #Determine whether the home page folder exists If not os.path.exists ('video/home page '): Os.mkdir ('video/home page ') #Determine whether the favorite folder exists If not os.path.exists ('video/like '): Os.mkdir ('video/like ') #Determine whether the collection folder exists If not os.path.exists ('video/collection '): Os.mkdir ('video/collection ') #Link Redirection def redirect(url): header = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML,  like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' } response = requests.get(url, headers=header) return response.url #Replace special characters in title def replace(title): title = title.replace('\\', '') title = title.replace('/', '') title = title.replace(':', '') title = title.replace('*', '') title = title.replace('?', '') title = title.replace('"', '') title = title.replace('<', '') title = title.replace('>', '') title = title.replace('|', '') title = title.replace('\n', '') return title def operate(): Operation=input ('Continue crawling? (y/n)') if operation == 'y': start() elif operation == 'n': exit() def start(): while True: print('===========================') print('1.    Author homepage video ') print('2.    Like page video ') print('3.    Author Collection Video ') print('===========================') Type=input ('Please enter the type of crawled video: ') if Type == '1': home() break elif Type == '2': like() break elif Type == '3': collection() break else: Print ('Input error, please input again! ') def home(): Url=input ('please enter the author sharing link: ') #Redirect url = redirect(url) sec_uid = url.split('user/')[1].split('?')[0] #Initialize cursor max_cursor = 0 #Number of initialized videos quantity = 0 #Number of videos downloaded successfully success = 0 #Number of videos that failed to download error = 0 #Request Header Settings header = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML,  like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' } #Start crawling while True: #Get video list url = f' https://m.douyin.com/web/api/v2/aweme/post/?reflow_source=reflow_page&sec_uid= {sec_uid}&count=21&max_cursor={max_cursor}' response = requests.get(url, headers=header) data = response.json() #Get video list aweme_list = data['aweme_list'] for aweme in aweme_list: #Update video quantity quantity += 1 #Get video title desc = aweme['desc'] #Get Author Name author = aweme['author']['nickname'] #Get video links video_url = aweme['video']['play_addr']['url_list'][0] #Determine whether the author folder exists If not os.path.exists (f'video/home page/{author} '): Os. mkdir (f'video/home page/{author} ') #Replace special characters in title desc = replace(desc) #Judge whether the video title is empty. If it is empty, use the video quantity+author name as the video title if desc == '': desc = f'{quantity}{author}' #Download Tips Print (f 'is downloading the {quantity} video: {quantity} {desc}') #Timeout processing try: #Start downloading With open (f'video/home page/{author}/ {quantity}_ {desc}.mp4', 'wb') as f: f.write(requests.get(video_url).content) #Download succeeded success += 1 except WindowsError: #Download failed error += 1 Ns=input (f '{quantity} video download failed, continue to download? (y/n)') if ns == 'y': continue elif ns == 'n': exit() #Determine whether there is another page if data['has_more']: #Update Cursor max_cursor = data['max_cursor'] else: #End the program if there is no next page Print ('Video download completed, cumulative number of videos downloaded: ', quantity,' Number of videos successfully downloaded: ', success,' Number of videos failed to download: ', error) operate() def like(): Url=input ('please enter the author sharing link: ') #Redirect url = redirect(url) sec_uid = url.split('user/')[1].split('?')[0] #Initialize cursor max_cursor = 0 #Number of initialized videos quantity = 0 quantity = 0 #Number of videos downloaded successfully success = 0 #Number of videos that failed to download error = 0 #Request Header Settings header = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML,  like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' } #Get collector information url = f' https://www.iesdouyin.com/web/api/v2/user/info/?sec_uid= {sec_uid}' response = requests.get(url, headers=header) data = response.json() #Get the name of the collector nickname = data['user_info']['nickname'] #Start crawling while True: url = f' https://m.douyin.com/web/api/v2/aweme/like/?reflow_source=reflow_page&sec_uid= {sec_uid}&count=21&max_cursor={max_cursor}' response = requests.get(url, headers=header) data = response.json() #Get video list aweme_list = data['aweme_list'] for aweme in aweme_list: #Update video quantity quantity += 1 #Get video title desc = aweme['desc'] #Get video links video_url = aweme['video']['play_addr']['url_list'][0] #Determine whether the favorite folder exists If not os. path. exists (f'video/like/{nickname} '): Os. mkdir (f'video/like/{nickname} ') #Replace special characters in title desc = replace(desc) #Judge whether the video title is empty. If it is empty, use video quantity+collector name as the video title if desc == '': desc = f'{quantity}{nickname}' #Download Tips Print (f 'Downloading the {quantity} video: {desc}') #Timeout processing try: #Start downloading With open (f'video/like/{nickname}/ {quantity}_ {desc}.mp4', 'wb') as f: f.write(requests.get(video_url).content) #Download succeeded success += 1 except WindowsError: #Download failed error += 1 Ns=input (f '{quantity} video download failed, continue to download? (y/n)') if ns == 'y': continue elif ns == 'n': exit() #Determine whether there is another page if data['has_more']: #Update Cursor max_cursor = data['max_cursor'] else: #End the program if there is no next page Print ('Video download completed, cumulative number of videos downloaded: ', quantity,', successful downloads: ', success,', failed downloads: ', error,') operate() def collection(): Url=input ('Please enter the collection sharing link: ') #Redirect url = redirect(url) mix_id = url.split('detail/')[1].split('/')[0] #Initialize cursor max_cursor = 0 #Number of initialized videos quantity = 0 #Number of videos downloaded successfully success = 0 #Number of videos that failed to download error = 0 #Request Header Settings header = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML,  like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' } #Get collection information url = f' https://www.iesdouyin.com/share/mix/detail/ {mix_id}' response = requests.get(url, headers=header) data = response.text #Get collection information soup = BeautifulSoup(data, 'html.parser') #Get collection name collection_name = soup.select('span[class="mix-info-name-text"]')[0].text #Start crawling while True: url = f' https://www.iesdouyin.com/web/api/mix/item/list/?reflow_source=reflow_page&mix_id= {mix_id}&count=10&cursor={max_cursor}' response = requests.get(url, headers=header) data = response.json() #Get video list aweme_list = data['aweme_list'] for aweme in aweme_list: #Update video quantity quantity += 1 #Get video title desc = aweme['desc'] #Get Author Name nickname = aweme['author']['nickname'] #Get video links video_url = aweme['video']['play_addr']['url_list'][0] #Determine whether the author folder exists If not os. path. exists (f'video/collection/{nickname} '): Os. mkdir (f'video/collection/{nickname} ') #Determine whether the collection folder exists If not os.path.exists (f'video/collection/{nickname}/{collection_name} '): Os. mkdir (f'video/collection/{nickname}/{collection_name} ') #Replace special characters in title desc = replace(desc) #Judge whether the video title is empty. If it is empty, use the video quantity+author name as the video title if desc == '': desc = f'{quantity}{nickname}' #Download Tips Print (f 'Downloading the {quantity} set: {desc}') #Update video title Desc=f '[the {quantity} set] {desc}' #Timeout processing try: #Start downloading With open (f'video/collection/{nickname}/{collection_name}/[the {quantity} collection] {desc}. mp4 ',' wb ') as f: f.write(requests.get(video_url).content) #Download succeeded success += 1 except WindowsError: #Download failed error += 1 Ns=input (the {quantity} set of f 'failed to download. Continue downloading? (y/n)') if ns == 'y': continue elif ns == 'n': exit() #Determine whether there is another page if data['has_more']: #Update Cursor max_cursor = data['cursor'] else: #End the program if there is no next page Print ('Video download completed, cumulative number of videos downloaded: ', quantity,', successful downloads: ', success,', failed downloads: ', error,') operate() if __name__ == '__main__': ini() start()

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