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DeDeCMS dream list page articles without thumbnails automatically hide default thumbnails

The dream weaving template list page displays thumbnails and article titles by default, but some articles do not have thumbnails, so the built-in default thumbnails are displayed
When there is no thumbnail, we can automatically hide it so that it does not appear. Let's see the code below.
The default code for thumbnails on the official list page is
 [field:array runphp='yes']@me = (empty(@me['litpic']) ?  "" : "<a href=' http://www.henenseo.com/ {@me['arcurl']}' class='preview'> <img src=' https://www.hensenseo.com/ {@me['litpic']}'/></a>"); [/field:array]


Modify the above code to:

 [field:array runphp='yes']@me = (strpos(@me['litpic'],'defaultpic') ?  "" : "<a href=' https://www. Your domain name. com/{@ me ['arcurl ']}' class='preview '> <img src=' https://www. Your domain name is. com/{@ me ['litpic ']}'/></a>"); [/field: array]


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