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Functions commonly used in WordPress theme secondary development

WordPress is a very powerful website building system, but it is not easy to open a WordPress theme again. You need to understand the technology first. The following are commonly used calling functions, hoping to help you.

 <? php the_content(); ?>  Log content <? php if(have_posts()) : ?>  Confirm whether there is a log <? php while(have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>  If yes, all logs will be displayed <? Php endwhile;?>Ends the PHP function "while" <? Php endif;?>End the PHP function "if" <? php get_header(); ?>  Contents of the header.php file <? php get_sidebar(); ?>  Contents of sidebar.php file <? php get_footer(); ?>  Contents of footer.php file <? php the_time("m-d-y") ?>  The date displayed in the format of "10-12-13" <? php comments_popup_link(); ?>  Display the message link of a blog post <? php the_title(); ?>  Display the title of a log or page <? php the_permalink() ?>  Display the permanent link/URL address of a log or page <? php the_category(",") ?>  Display the classification of a log or page <? php the_author(); ?>  Display the author of a blog or page <? php the_ID(); ?>  Display the ID of a log or page <? php edit_post_link(); ?>  Display an edit link of a log or page <? php get_links_list(); ?>  Show Links <? php comments_template(); ?>  Contents of the comments.php file <? php wp_list_pages(); ?>  Display a list of blog pages <? php wp_list_cats(); ?>  Display a classified list of blogs <? php next_post_link("%link") ?>  URL address of the next log <? php previous_post_link("%link") ?>  URL address of the previous log <? php get_calendar(); ?>  Call Calendar <? php wp_get_archives() ?>  Displays a list of blog date archives <? php posts_nav_link(); ?>  Show links to newer posts (previous page) and older posts (next page) <? php bloginfo("description"); ?>  Show blog description <? php bloginfo("name"); ?>  Site Title <? php wp_title(); ?>  Log or page title <? php bloginfo("stylesheet_url"); ?>  Relative address of WordPress theme style sheet file style.css <? php bloginfo("pingback_url"); ?>  Pingback address of WordPress blog <? php bloginfo("template_url"); ?>  Relative address of WordPress theme file <? php bloginfo("version"); ?>  Wordpress version of blog <? php bloginfo("url"); ?>  The absolute address of the WordPress blog <? php bloginfo("charset"); ?>  Character encoding format of website


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