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Dedecms small fresh article information website template

Template introduction: dedecms small fresh article information website template, the whole site layout is very fresh and atmospheric with data, very suitable for all kinds of article information websites!

Installation instructions (if not, see Detailed Tutorial on How to Build Dream CMS Background Installation ):

1. Overwrite the files in the web folder to the root directory of the website

2. Direct operation: http://www.henenseo.com/install (xxx please change to your domain name)

3. Restore database:

1) Enter the dede background and find 'System' - 'Database Backup/Restore'

2) Click 'Data Restore' in the upper right corner of the screen

3) Click the "Start Restore" button at the bottom of the screen

4. System settings:

1) Click "System" - basic system parameters

2) Change the 'site root URL' to your URL, such as https://www.henenseo.com/ (For locally installed friends, please keep http://localhost 。)

3) Click "OK" button

5. Update cache:

Click Generate - Update System Cache

6. Update home page:

Click 'Generate' - 'Update homepage html'

Browse the home page, if there is no problem. The whole station can be generated.

7. Generate the whole site (this step can be skipped if the dynamic browsing mode is maintained):

Click 'Generate' - 'One click update website' - 'Update all' - 'Start updating'

At this point, the template installation is completed


In case of decompressing password: follow the public account "New Start Software Manager" and reply "decompressing password" to obtain

 New start blog


File name: Dedecms small fresh article information website template

Updated on: 2022-06-07

File size: 16.1M

Tip: Please contact the webmaster if there is any problem, infringement or download link failure! Email: xinqidianblog@163.com

Click Download

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