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How does Imperial CMS save URL shortcuts to the desktop

Usually we see that large websites use the function of saving quick links from websites to the desktop. This function actually requires a program to complete, and the code is very simple.

Here is a piece of code dedicated to Imperial CMS to keep the quick link to the desktop:

 <? php require("e/class/connect.php"); $add=$_GET; $id=$add["id"]; $gname=$add["gname"]; if ($gname=="") { $gname=$public_r[sitename]; $gname = urldecode($gname); $gname = mb_convert_encoding($gname,'GB2312','UTF-8'); } $Shortcut = "[InternetShortcut] URL=http://".$_ SERVER['HTTP_HOST']. "/?desktop IDList= [{000214A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}] Prop3=19,2 "; Header("Content-type: application/octet-stream;"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$ gname.".url; "); echo $Shortcut; ?>

This method is used exclusively by Imperial CMS. Other methods are not tested. If you want to make trouble yourself, you can try other methods.

Create a new desktop.php file in the website directory, copy the above code to the PHP file, and link the file directly where you want to display it:

 <a href="/desktop. php">Save to Desktop</a>


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