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Jquery box style qq online customer service code+page back to top+QR code

This JS online customer service code is very practical, with return top code, WeChat QR code and customer service phone. One code is complete.

However, customer service is not the focus in the previous code, and only one customer service QQ can be bound. Because the first-class resource network thinks the code is good, it has changed it. It supports multiple customer services and grouping, which is practical and beautiful.

If you don't need more customer service, please check the original code and delete it Shared resource network I will not introduce myself here.

 Qq online customer service code+page back to top+QR code


File name: Jquery box style qq online customer service code+page back to top+QR code

Updated on: July 12, 2020

File size: 102 KB

Tip: Please contact the webmaster if there is any problem, infringement or download link failure! Email: xinqidianblog@163.com

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