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New site optimization skills: how to quickly and effectively optimize and improve website SEO ranking

How to optimize the promotion of new websites is the most important issue for every website owner. As we all know, the new website has a one to three month evaluation period, which is also known as the sandbox period. During this period, the new website is generally in the search engine observation period, and it is difficult to obtain the ranking of keywords.


 SEO Tutorial Self study Network

How can a new website quickly improve its keyword ranking after optimization? Here is SEO Tutorial Self study Network I hope the suggestions can help the webmasters!

1、 Content Originality and User Requirements

The original content is told to everyone with the New Start blog. It must be known that the original content of a website for Baidu crawling depends on more than half. As the saying goes, good content is king outside the chain, and it is essential to do a good job in ranking.

Another is that the purpose of our website is to retain users and make in-depth transformation, which requires us to have strict control over page quality and experience when building a website. Analyze user needs in depth, understand user needs, and optimize the website according to user needs.

2、 TDK settings and search requirements

TDK (title, description, keywords) is commonly known as the title, keyword, and description of our website. For websites, tags are very important, especially title. It can be said that this location is very valuable. Title and keywords directly affect the presentation to search users. What you want to show users must be presented to users in the shortest and most convenient way.

3、 Dead chain and external chain processing

At present, the external chain of the website has rarely affected the website evaluation, but it does not mean that the website can completely ignore the external chain; If all the external links on the page are dead links, it is very unfriendly to the user experience itself. A large number of dead links on the website will also affect the site evaluation. It is recommended to regularly clean up the dead links and external links on the website. SEO tutorial self-study website thinks it is necessary to make a 404 for the website.

4、 Lots of empty and short content

Short and empty content is a common phenomenon in website content. Some websites have UGC content because of their own site structure; Some websites are affected by the events, which can be explained in a few sentences, resulting in a large number of websites with only 200-300 words of text content, or even less text content. Short and empty content itself is not a high-quality content resource. If there are a lot of empty content on the website, it will affect the evaluation of the website to a certain extent. In spite of this phenomenon, the website must pay more attention.

5、 Content crawling

Friendly accessibility means that when the engine searches for web crawlers to crawl your web page, it finds a blank, and then thinks your web page is of low quality, but your web page is rich. For example, the picture shows that the website has a lot of content. The content free online is rare, and the quality is also very high. But when crawlers crawl, they can't see any of them, and they can't get the total traffic.

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