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SEO optimization of website structure is conducive to website inclusion

As long as the website structure is outstanding, it can attract users and search engines to crawl on the website. Only in this way can the website's entry rate be higher, the website's ranking will be better, and the website's exposure rate will also be improved. Therefore, website structure optimization is an essential link. Now let's give you a specific analysis! How to optimize the website structure of enterprise websites!
First of all, the website structure DIV CSS layout is reasonable, the DIVCSS layout website code is streamlined, the loading speed is fast, which is consistent with the preferences of search engine spiders, and will naturally be conducive to website ranking and entry. In addition, the website responds quickly, and the user experience is also very good.
The structure directory and hierarchy shall be clear. Generally speaking, the directory structure of a website is a "tree" distribution. Generally, the homepage of the website only links to the column page, unless there is an article page specially recommended, and the column page only links to its own article page. If the website directory structure is too disordered and lacks a sense of hierarchy, it is difficult for search engine spiders to reach a deeper level when crawling on pages, and then affect the ranking and inclusion of websites.
The planning of standardized website URL structure should follow one principle: simple and clear, easy to recall, followed by the planning of the previous website directory structure. Note that static or pseudo static skills should be used when building websites. Many mainstream CMS or blog systems have this function. DEDECMS and Wordpress are good choices. Create a robot protocol file website and a friendly dialogue with a search engine. Robots files are undoubtedly the best choice. The robots file can inform the search engine which is the focus and which can be ignored, save the search engine spider crawling web pages, and to a certain extent, save the server resources, why not?
Users realize that before SEO optimization, we need to find out one thing, the service target of search engine? Of course, users, as long as they know. Search engines will attach great importance to it. The use of website 0 permanent redirection skills in domain name transmission, and the manufacture of 0 fault pages and 00 server internal fault pages are conducive to improving the website user experience and the friendliness of search engines.

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