We've been working hard

The three stories are full of life principles

1、 Misunderstanding

In the early years in Alaska, the United States, there was a young couple who got married. When they gave birth after marriage, his wife died of childbirth and left a child. He was busy with his life and his family. No one helped him look after the children, so he trained a dog. The dog is smart and obedient. It can take care of children, feed them with a bottle and raise them. One day, the owner went out and asked him to take care of the children. When he went to other villages, he couldn't come back that day because of heavy snow. The next day when he hurried home, the dog immediately came out to greet his master. He opened the door and saw that there was blood everywhere. Looking up, there was blood on the bed, the child was gone, and the dog was around, and his mouth was full of blood. When the owner found this situation, he thought that the child had been eaten by a dog. In a rage, he took a knife to cut the dog's head and killed the dog. Then, suddenly, I heard the voice of the child, and saw him climb out from under the bed, so I picked up the child. Although there was blood on his body, he was not injured. He was very strange. He didn't know what was going on. Then he looked at the dog. There was no meat on his legs. There was a wolf beside him, and he was still biting the dog's meat in his mouth. The dog saved the little master, but was killed by the master. This is the most amazing misunderstanding in the world.

Moral: Decisions made on impulse are often wrong, and you must analyze problems calmly first. Because if impulse can solve problems, human beings will be like wild animals, without thinking.

2、 Wait a minute

Most of my colleagues are very excited because a new supervisor has been transferred from the unit. He is said to be an able person who has been specially assigned to rectify the business. However, as the days passed, the new supervisor did nothing. He entered the office politely every day and hid in the office. The bad guys who were so nervous that they were dying are now more rampant. He is not a capable person! He is a good man at all. He is easier to bluff than the former supervisor! Four months later, when the colleague who really worked hard was disappointed with the new supervisor, the new supervisor became angry: all the bad guys were fired, and the capable people were promoted. He is quick to start and quick to break things. It's like a completely different person from his previous conservative performance. At the year-end dinner, the new supervisor delivered a speech after three rounds of drinking: I believe you must be puzzled by my performance during my new tenure and my subsequent bold action.

Now listen to me and you will understand. A friend of mine bought a house with a big courtyard. As soon as he moved in, he made a thorough rectification of the yard, cleared away weeds and trees, and replanted his newly bought flowers. One day, the original owner of the house came to visit and asked in surprise, "Where is the most precious peony?" My friend found that he had shoveled the peony as grass. Later, he bought another house. Although the yard was even more cluttered, he did not move. Sure enough, plants that thought they were miscellaneous trees in winter have flowers in spring; In spring, I thought it was wild grass, but in summer, it became brocade; A small tree that hasn't moved for half a year has red leaves in autumn. It was not until late autumn that it really recognized which plants were useless, and vigorously eradicated them, and preserved all the precious plants. Speaking of which, the supervisor raised his glass: Let me salute everyone here! If this office is a garden, you are all precious trees in it. It is impossible for Zhenmu to blossom and bear fruit all the year round. Only through long-term observation can you recognize it!

Moral: Don't rush to judge a person. A short relationship can't let you know a person. A wrong judgment may make you lose a good helper and good friend.

3、 Leniency

This is a story of soldiers returning from the Vietnam War.

He called his parents from San Francisco and told them: Mom and Dad, I'm back, but I have an unexpected request. I want to bring a friend home with me. They replied: Of course! We will be happy to meet him. However, the son continued: But I want to tell you one thing first. He was seriously injured in the Vietnam War and lost an arm and a foot. He is desperate now. I want to invite him back to live with us. The father said, "Son, I'm very sorry, but maybe we can help him find a place to live. I suggest you go home first, and then forget him, he will find his own piece of sky. " Just then, the son hung up the phone, and his parents never heard from him again. A few days later, the parents received a call from the San Francisco Police Department, telling them that their dear son had fallen from a building and died. The police believed that this was just a simple suicide case. So, they flew to San Francisco sadly, and led by the police to the morgue to identify their son's body. It was indeed their son, but it was surprising that his son had only one arm and one leg.

Moral: Don't look at others with colored glasses, because you won't know who you are really hurting. Be lenient to others and strict to yourself!

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