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What does it mean to optimize and flatten the directory structure inside the website

What does website optimization mean by flat directory structure?

In the internal optimization of the website, many people do not understand what the flat directory structure means. In fact, in a more general sense, the flat directory structure is very meaningful for the website. It is equivalent to the confusion of some websites we usually see, so you don't know where the website is going. However, the structure of some website directories is very clear, and well ordered users seem to have a sense of order. Search engines also like these very much.

In the internal optimization of the website, many people do not understand what the flat directory structure means. In fact, in a more general sense, the flat directory structure is very meaningful for the website. It is equivalent to the confusion of some websites we usually see, so you don't know where the website is going. However, the structure of some website directories is very clear, and well ordered users seem to have a sense of order. Search engines also like these very much.

What is "Flat Directory Structure"?

Some people may not understand the meaning of flattening. Let's extract a sentence from Baidu webmaster platform:

"To understand flattening, we should start with a word hierarchy corresponding to flattening."

 In fact, a flat directory structure means that a website should have a hierarchical structure. The homepage of the website is the top layer. The first level directory and the second level directory are subordinate relationships respectively. One directory is placed in a folder, which is the flat directory structure of the website. The homepage of the website is the most advanced, for example: http://www.henenseo.com/   The first level column is the first level, for example: http://www.henenseo.com/about The articles in the first level column are placed in the table of contents: http://www.henenseo.com/archives/category/seojs If there are secondary columns, you can add a directory to the primary directory, for example: http://www.henenseo.com/muban/404/ As described above, this kind of architecture is a flat directory structure. Generally, websites built with famous CMS can be made into flat directory structures, such as Dream CMS, Woedpress, etc. Ecshop and discuz can also realize this directory structure through secondary development.

What are the benefits of "flattening the directory structure"?

1. Clear structure, users and search engines like it

 Look at the links to see which column and branch this article belongs to, and the relationship between them is clear. In this way, it is easier for search engines to understand the structure of the website, and because users like it, search engines will also give more weight appropriately.

2. Proper weight distribution is conducive to long tail word ranking

 The subordination of the directory can make the weight of the page well distributed and centralized. Let the important pages at a higher level get more weight, and let the pages at a lower level get relatively less weight, which can better balance the weight of pages and facilitate the long tail keyword ranking.

3. It is easier to add keywords to links

 Many directories are added with keywords such as Chinese Pinyin, which makes it easier for the directory page to rank higher. If you are only a link in the form of id like discuz by default, it is more difficult to add keywords to the link.
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