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Methods and common sense of website internal chain optimization

Tiger Brother SEO I believe that most websites are based on home page ranking, ignoring the page. Do site optimization to improve the ranking of content pages within the website, and optimize reasonable internal links to drive the ranking of the home page.

In station chain optimization and common sense

① Website links should not be too long, which is not conducive to being captured by search engines

② The path should not contain Chinese fonts; The search engine cannot read the Chinese on the path, and the Chinese path is not conducive to being recognized and captured;

③ Small tail removal of websites; The path with a small tail is not conducive to concentrating weights.

④ Do not use JS to make link calls; Do not use automatic links, and do not link cheats.

⑤ The path should have a sense of hierarchy and consider the website structure; Small and medium-sized websites should be within three tiers.

⑥ For dynamic URL address, it is better to change it to pseudo static address; Generally, static pages are the fastest, followed by pseudo static pages, and finally dynamic pages.

⑦ Breadcrumb navigation; In order to let the user know the current location, and have a guiding role, reduce the bounce rate and reduce the user click level, which is conducive to search engine capture.

⑧ Relevant recommendation combination can reduce the bounce rate.

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