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Alipay API interface resolution - transfer to bank

Alipay API interface resolution - transfer to bank

Code scanning transfer

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Parsing content:



AppId=09999988//App ID - default
ActionType=toCard//Transfer type toCard - to bank card
CardNo=6217000030001234567//Bank card number
BankAccount=% E9% A9% AC% E4% BA% 91//Bank account
Money=0.01//Transfer amount
Amount=0.01//Transfer limit
BankMark=CCB//Bank code - optional
BankName=% E4% B8% AD% E5% 9B% BD% E5% BB% BA% E8% AE% BE% E9% 93% B6% E8% A1% 8C//Bank name

Reference bank bankMark:

ICBC Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

CCB China Construction Bank

HSBC Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

BC Bank of China

ABC Agricultural Bank of China

BC Bank of Communications

CMB China Merchants Bank

CMB China Minsheng Bank

SPDB Shanghai Pudong Development Bank

China CITIC Bank

CEB China Everbright Bank

HB Huaxia Bank

GDB Guangdong Development Bank

Shenzhen Development Bank

CIB China's Industrial Bank

CDB China Development Bank

EIBC Export Import Bank of China

ADB Agricultural Development of China

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