Relieving the poor and lending money to the needy

I fought with fat, almost without sacrifice.

be insatiably avaricious

Don't swear to me, I'm afraid you will be struck by thunder.

failure to put things away properly is inviting theft

The South Lake of the Party building started to set sail, and rose in the blood to turn the tide; The Long March to the Central Plains has witnessed great changes in the old anecdotes; The reform of golden pen painting Jinshan, the long scroll of dragon in the golden age; National rejuvenation is an important task, and scientific development will go forward forever.

be unable to contain knew no bounds

To the west of the old fortress, the humanity is that Zhou Lang of the Three Kingdoms, Chibi—— Su Shi


Diligence compensates for weakness—— Hou Debang

harass the people and waste money

Love books - this is the source of knowledge! Only knowledge is useful, and only it can make us mentally strong

the rainbow clouds like brocade spread

Learning is like drilling oil. The deeper you drill, the more you can find the essence of knowledge. First learn to crawl, then learn to walk.

elegant and graceful

Mature people need masks to be strong in facing the society and gentle in facing their families.


The reason why I couldn't close the refrigerator door was that I was too anxious to see you, and my toe hit the foot of the table because I had been distracted from thinking about you, and I couldn't find what I wanted when I went out, because I wanted to see you soon, and I was too happy to see you. In fact, it was because of him, but he didn't know

Sing the devil's advocate la

Are you ready for the next album? When will the neighborhood story tour continue to promise us not to be pigeons anymore

How to calculate the backfill of the room core (difference between foundation backfill and room core backfill) - Jimou No

No project can be separated from backfill, but many students have vague ideas about the concept of backfill. What is foundation backfill? What is room core backfill? he

China Voice Ranking Top Ten Voice Ranking – Jimou

Time is really fast. In 2021, The Voice of China will be over. As a seasonal program, The Voice of China can go through ten seasons

The dog's nose is dry. What's wrong with the dog's nose? - Jimou

Dogs' normal nose may be dry. Officials have heard that a dog's nose is dry and hot, which means that the dog is sick. Actually, it's not true. Many times

Introduction to Fang Siqi's First Love Paradise Why should Fang Siqi be tied into a crab picture - Jimou

Hi, meeting you is my lucky article | The first official account: eloping with a snail | Net01 started watching Fang Siqi's First Love Paradise two days ago, watching

Why did Yang Jian pass the throne to Li Yuan? Why did Yang Jian say that I was wronged by Dugu

According to Zizhi Tongjian, in July of 604 AD, Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, who was suffering from illness on his bed, suddenly patted his bed and shouted, "I missed Dugu!"

A small red dot photo in the early stage of AIDS - Jimou

As a doctor, I often see on the Internet some cases that are difficult to talk about. One fan said that after nearly a month of relationships with others, he found himself

What does the main acceptance include? Does the main acceptance include the secondary structure

The main body acceptance shall be jointly participated by construction, supervision, survey, design and construction units, and geological monitoring stations shall be invited to the site for acceptance. 1、 Before acceptance

Top 10 SUV sales of pure electric vehicles - Jimou

In the era of pure electric vehicles ranking among the top ten SUV fuel vehicles, SUVs have been sought after by many people. In the current era of electric vehicles, SUVs are still

Sentences that are angry and want to be angry - Jimou

What should the ancients do in the past? Judging from the five most vicious ancient poems, being scolded is sometimes a kind of enjoyment. I don't know whether you feel that those educated

Which is the coldest in gear 1-7 of Zhigao refrigerator (Zhigao small refrigerator can not be frozen) - Jimou

In summer, when the weather is hot, the utilization rate of refrigerators is very high, and refrigerators have different grades. Different grades have different cooling effects, so refrigerators are 0

What is the function of rectifier (working principle and function of rectifier) - Jimou

Rectification and inversion should not be unfamiliar to anyone who sees this article on a mobile phone or computer. But in fact, most people still don't know these two

What should I do if the puppy keeps barking in the cage at night

I believe that many novice owners only search for this question when their puppies keep barking at night: What should I do if the puppies always bark at night after just two months?

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A smile in late summer - Chen Qiang's Advanced Econometrics and Stata Application (Second Edition) supporting data+supporting courseware+e-book scanning version

eighteen thousand nine hundred and thirty
one thousand one hundred and eighty-two