Sublime Text 3Install Package Control

May 21, 2019 12:54:06 Comment Reading (2026)
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I have to say that Sublime Text 3 has a hard time installing Package Control. Now you have successfully installed Package Control, and record it.


Official website of sublime Download Sublime Text 3

Sublime Text 3安装Package Control


Download Package Control. Due to network problems, I downloaded the plug-in at github. The address of github is:

After downloading, change the folder name to Package Control.


Click Preferences → Browse Package and put the unzipped file in.

After I put it in, I reported a wrong question:

Sublime Text 3安装Package Control

This problem only needs to be solved by Sublime Text 3 folder Installed Packages Under folder Package Control.sublime-package file Delete it.

Then I ran the ctrl+shift+p command, opened the Install Package window, and an error was reported by the manufacturer:

Sublime Text 3安装Package Control

Through the search, we know that this problem is because when the submite downloads the plug-in, the submite will call the channel_v3.json file,

The file address for calling this file is Sublime Text 3 Packages Package Control Package Control.sublime-settings. You can see that the file is read by accessing an address, but the file cannot be read due to the wall.

So we need to download the channel_v3. json file locally, and then change the address to the local address.

Sublime Text 3安装Package Control


Channel_v3.json file address: channel_v3.json



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