The Cold of the Twenty four Solar Terms

January 20, 2019 08:05:45 eleven Reading (4139)
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 The Cold of the Twenty four Solar Terms

On January 20, 2019, the solar term was very cold.

Big cold, the last of the 24 solar terms, hurried, too hurried, another spring, summer, autumn and winter

The first solar term: Xiaohan, the second solar term: the beginning of spring

Climate characteristics: It is the coldest period of a year in some parts of China due to the rainy and snowy weather, strong wind and low temperature, and frequent cold waves in the south. With strong wind and low temperature, the snow does not melt on the ground, presenting a cold scene of ice, snow and freezing.

Farming activities: strengthen the cold and freezing prevention of livestock and winter crops

Phenology: The chicken suckles on the day of severe cold, the bird is severely ill for five days, and the stomach is hard for five days


Chicken milk: It means you can hatch chickens during the cold season.

Bird Scouting: At this time, birds like hawks and hawks are in a state of strong predatory ability, hovering in the air looking for food everywhere to supplement the body's energy to resist the cold.

The water is firm in the belly: the ice in the water has been frozen to the middle of the water, and it is the strongest and thickest.

health preservation

Because of the transition between the cold and the beginning of spring, the fastidious families also adapt to seasonal changes in diet. The amount of food for cold tonic gradually decreases, and more food with ascending and dispersing properties is added to adapt to the rising of everything in spring. The most important thing to prevent from severe cold is cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and try to go out less in the morning and evening.

In this season, we should give priority to warming and tonifying. We might as well eat more red fruits and vegetables and spicy food. The emphasis of diet should be on strengthening the kidney and spleen, nourishing blood and protecting the liver.
Red vegetables and fruits such as red pepper, red dates, red radishes, cherries, red sweet peppers, red apples, etc. can increase the heat energy of the human body and raise the body temperature. Eating more can resist the cold virus and speed up the recovery. They are the preferred food in winter. In addition, some pungent and warm foods, such as basil leaves, ginger, green onions, onions, Chinese prickly ash, cinnamon, etc., also have significant therapeutic effects on cold.


If the severe cold comes, can spring be far behind?

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 unhappy  rainbow  look on  Diu Xiang  Good  funny  Flower core  Cry out  surprised  blink the eyes  Cool  Sad  Are you handsome?  gift  rose  anger  get angry  spray  Sleep?  Too happy  Little 999  ah
 sunlight  Spit out one's tongue  Grievance  smiling eyes  Star Moon  heart-broken  Eh  Insidious  doubt  that 's great  Snicker  Squint  shock  slightly  Yawn  Helpless to cry  Pick one's nose  Hum  expect  I don't care about you  love  candle

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    •  Su Er Su Er zero


      •  The moon climbs the stairs The moon climbs the stairs two

        Come and have a look! The blogger is going to issue all the 24 solar terms? [Speaking]

        •  Mingyue ascends the Hexo blog Mingyue ascends the Hexo blog zero

          Let's support you when you pass!

          •  Running snail Running snail zero

            After the coldest day, can spring be far behind 😜

            •  Jianbo Jianbo zero

              The severe cold is the coldest

              •  Psy Psy zero

                Today is the best time to eat hot pot