Vue's idea of componentization modifies todolist

January 9, 2019 21:35:27 Comment Reading (1821)
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A page is composed of many parts, such as carousel and content area. If we write business logic on a page, it is not conducive to maintenance. Components are equivalent to one part of the page. A page can be cut into many parts, which can improve the maintainability of code and facilitate development.

Modify todolist based on the idea of componentization


As shown in the figure above, when entering any content, we will put it in the red box below. Each list item is a part of the page. Since it is a part, we can split it into a component.

source code

  1. < div   id = "app" >
  2.      < input   type = "text"   v-model = "inputValue" />
  3.      < button   v-on:click = "btnClick" > Submit </ button >
  4.      < ul >
  5.          < li   v-for = "item in List" > {{item}} </ li >
  6.      </ ul >
  7. </ div >
  8. ipt >
  9. var  app  =  new  Vue({
  10.     el:'#app',
  11.     data: {
  12.         List: [],
  13.         inputValue: ''
  14.     },
  15.     methods: {
  16.         btnClick: function () {
  17.             this. List.push(this.inputValue)
  18.              this.inputValue  =  ''
  19.         }
  20.     }
  21. })
  22. ript >

The current list item is through a loop LiLabel To show, now I want to LiLabel What should we do if the content of becomes a component as a whole?

  • Call a Component method The component is provided by vue for us to create Global Components The specific examples are as follows:
  1. Vue.component( "TodoList" ,{  //Define global components, where the name can be abbreviated as todo list
  2. props:['content'],   //Receive content from parent component
  3. template: "<li>{{content}}</li>"   //Component template (to be called with interpolation expression)
  • Use the todo list component. The specific example is as follows:
  1. < ul >
  2.      < todo-item   v-bind:content = "item"   v-for = "item in List" > </ todo-item >
  3. </ ul >

When cycling the List, assign each value of the List to the item, and then the item is passed to the todo item subcomponent through the variable content through the v-bind syntax.

Last Code

  1.     < div   id = "app" >
  2.         < input   type = "text"   v-model = "inputValue" />
  3.         < button   v-on:click = "btnClick" > Submit </ button >
  4.         < ul >
  5.             < todo-item   v-bind:content = "item"   v-for = "item in List" > </ todo-item >
  6.         </ ul >
  7.     </ div >
  8. <script >
  9. Vue.component("TodoItem",{
  10.        props:['content'],
  11.        template:" < li > {{content}} </ li > "
  12.    })
  13.    var  app  =  new  Vue({
  14.        el:'#app',
  15.        data: {
  16.            List: [],
  17.            inputValue: ''
  18.        },
  19.        methods: {
  20.            btnClick: function () {
  21.                this. List.push(this.inputValue)
  22.                 this.inputValue  =  ''
  23.            }
  24.        }
  25.    })
  26. </script >




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