To the cutest teachers

September 10, 2018 11:08:17 nine Reading (3077)
This article was last updated on September 12, 2018, and has not been updated for more than a year. If the article content or picture resources are invalid, please leave a message for feedback, and we will deal with it in a timely manner. Thank you!


Physical education is always occupied, and you always say that we don't use our brains after the exam. "The worst class" may be what you said to every class of students. We know that you hate iron but not steel.

You always dislike us for being noisy, noisy, lazy and late. You often criticize us. But you know, you wasted a minute criticizing us, but let us take fewer detours in the future.

You should strictly prevent us from falling in love. If we go to college, we will be free; But after we went to college, you said that we would be free after work. Now that we have finally graduated and entered the society, we find that the real freedom is actually in the student era.

I used to turn a deaf ear to the teacher's words. Now I want to go back to the campus and listen to the teacher's nagging again, but I have no chance anymore.

Thank you for your earnest teachings on this road of life!

Today, let's say to our teacher: I will never forget my teacher's kindness! Happy holidays!




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Classification: life


 unhappy  rainbow  look on  Diu Xiang  Good  funny  Flower core  Cry out  surprised  blink the eyes  Cool  Sad  Are you handsome?  gift  rose  anger  get angry  spray  Sleep?  Too happy  Little 999  ah
 sunlight  Spit out one's tongue  Grievance  smiling eyes  Star Moon  heart-broken  Eh  Insidious  doubt  that 's great  Snicker  Squint  shock  slightly  Yawn  Helpless to cry  Pick one's nose  Hum  expect  I don't care about you  love  candle

Current comments: 9 of which: visitors 6 bloggers 3

    •  Late Night Notes Late Night Notes one

      Happy Teachers' Day. Gas station master

      •  Yang Jingwen Yang Jingwen one

        When I was reading, I particularly hated the teacher, who had a wide management.
        I miss you so much after graduation.

          •  Willing Willing

            @ Yang Jingwen Only then did I understand that the teacher paid too much for his students.

          •  Boke112 navigation Boke112 navigation three

            In fact, only the society can know the beauty of the student era, and teachers can understand the good intentions

              •  Willing Willing

                @ Boke112 navigation I didn't understand it at the beginning, but only experienced it.

              •  Textile knowledge Textile knowledge zero

                Many bloggers are congratulating Teachers' Day

                •  ylz ylz zero

                  fierce 👍