Anti complaint server

Anti complaint server, anti copyright complaint, ignoring copyright, using reasonable laws from different countries around the world to avoid the interference of DMCA in the United States, so that you can build a website with peace of mind!


It mainly operates the independent server business of the computer rooms in Johannesburg, South Africa and Moscow, Russia, and accesses the fastest (without exception) access in China Cn2 gia network To ensure that domestic and foreign access effects are first-class, DDoS defense can also be added, and there are station cluster servers!



Affiliated to M24Seven Group, it started operation in 2000, with more than 200 employees, deep qualifications, strong financial resources and a long history! M247 has three main businesses: Internet connection, host services (virtual host, VPS, independent server, hosting), and security services; The company has its own two computer rooms (in Romania and Manchester, UK), and the other 34 data centers are distributed around the world: Ireland, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia, Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, France, Italy (2), Spain (2), Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Slovakia, Britain, Sweden America (New York, Miami, Los Angeles, New Jersey, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Dallas), Singapore, Canada, Japan UAE, Australia, Hong Kong (China) Anti complaint, only for Romanian computer room Some promotional machines , detailed introduction, view:



Since 2012, all servers in the Netherlands Serverius B.V., PayPal, credit cards and Bitcoin can pay!



A private company established in 2008 to operate the Dutch data center business. PayPal、 Bitcoin and webmoney can be paid!



It was put into operation in 2007 and can be selected from Canada, Russia, Hong Kong, the Netherlands and Caribbean islands; PayPal、 Credit card and Bitcoin can pay!