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The bedroom is paved with floors. Recommend these colors. They are warm and fashionable

Release date: 2022-09-29 09:04:38 View: 3697
Most homeowners will choose wood flooring when decorating their bedrooms. After all, the texture and soft feeling of wood flooring will be more suitable for the bedroom. However, wood flooring also has different colors, such as gray, log and dark. Today, Guolin flooring editor will share some different color bedroom wood flooring designs with you to see what color wood flooring is suitable for your home.

Dark floor

Reddish brown

Style: American/Chinese

In recent years, the new Chinese style of the fire is very suitable for laying dark wood floor in the bedroom. The new Chinese style uses more line elements, and the matching of dark wood floors will not increase the visual burden, but can give people a sense of calm and stable life.

Wood color floor

Style: simple style/Japanese style

If your home is extremely simple, it is a good choice to match the simple and natural light wood color floor, which can make the living room and bedroom have a harmonious and unified texture, and can create an elegant and natural space. If the light is transparent and bright, the environment will be more comfortable.

Light grey floor

Style: Nordic/modern

The gray wooden floor is particularly suitable for young people's home environment. Even small house decoration can be grand and simple, making the bedroom have a sense of dignified stability.

Finally, attention should be paid to the selection of bedroom floor:

If the room is small or the lighting is poor, you should pay attention to selecting light color floors. Light color systems can greatly expand the space line of sight, making the space appear open and not depressed.

In terms of color matching, light color furniture can be combined with dark and light color floors at will. It is suggested to match warm color floors to make them warm and clean; But the collocation of dark furniture and dark floor should be careful to avoid depression.
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