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[Floor agent] How to choose the color of pure solid wood floor?

Release date: 2021-08-26 10:28:04 View: 5388
When decorating, consumers are always confused. There are many colors of pure solid wood floors. It's easy to be dazzled when choosing colors, and they don't know how to choose. So how to choose the right one? Today, we will introduce some techniques for matching the colors of solid wood floors.

Choose color according to decoration style
An important factor in choosing the color of wood flooring is the overall decorative style. For example, Nordic, simple and other young styles are more suitable for light wood floors, which can create a simple and bright sense of space. Simple, direct, functional and close to nature, the light log color floor creates a quiet and natural modern life.

Chinese style
At a time when Chinese culture is popular all over the world, the ingenuity and softness of Chinese elements and modern materials represent the delicate balance of changing scenery step by step. In the calm new Chinese style, the choice of the floor should also be made in combination with the color of the space, not limited to the traditional color of cognition.

European style
European style is based on romanticism in form. Decoration materials are often colorful fabrics, exquisite carpets, and exquisite French wall hangings. The whole style is luxurious, rich, and full of strong dynamic effects.
The use of dark warm color solid wood floor to highlight the enthusiasm and solemnity of the space is most suitable for this gorgeous style.

Industrial wind
Modern industrial style, pursue fashion and trend, and pay attention to the perfect combination of the layout and use functions of the living space.
Cool color floor is undoubtedly the best choice. It not only visually enriches the spatial hierarchy with flowing rhythm; Low saturation gray, more let the fashion sense of home be displayed.
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