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[Solid wood floor] In winter, the floor should be paved like this. Attention, friends who are going to decorate

Release date: 2018-12-21 17:11:24 View: 4595

There are many families decorated in winter, and we need to know something in advance whether it is from before the floor is paved to after the installation, or when using floor heating. today Solid wood flooring Of The editor came to talk about this topic.

1. Before and after installation

health preservation

In winter, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large. After the floor is transported to the paving site through long-distance transportation, it should not be immediately unpacked for paving, because the temperature of the floor is low at this time, while the indoor temperature is relatively high. If the floor is unpacked, condensation water will appear on the floor, which is easy to cause deformation. The correct treatment is to wrap the floor "Keep" for a few days, and open the bag after adjusting to the temperature and humidity.


At present, many new residential areas have adopted geothermal heating systems, and the water content of cement floor is high. After the geothermal system is opened, it is easy to cause the floor to absorb too much water and deform. Before paving, it is better to do a layer of moisture-proof treatment. The moisture-proof film can be thickened and laid, and ventilation work should be done well.


Compared with summer, many people think that the contraction joint needs to be larger when installing the floor in winter, but the specific joint needs to be moderate. Composite floor is generally left with seam 8-12mm can meet the demand. It is unnecessary to keep more or less. After all, there will be moisture expansion in summer.


In winter, the air humidity is relatively low, and many people will choose to use humidifiers to adjust the indoor humidity. Indoor should be kept The relative humidity is above 40%, which is not only good for human health, but also good for floor maintenance.

2. Floor heating

proceed in an orderly way and step by step

When the floor heating is started for the first time or has not been started for a long time, the heating procedure should be strictly followed. It is recommended to heat up every hour 1 ℃ to prevent the floor from cracking and twisting due to excessive temperature rise.

Moderate temperature regulation

When geothermal heating is used, the surface temperature should not exceed 28 ℃, and the water pipe temperature cannot exceed 45 ℃, which will affect the service life and service cycle of the floor. For ordinary families, the room temperature in winter can reach 22 ℃ or so, without excessive temperature to avoid unnecessary problems.

Descending in sequence

In the same way as temperature rise, when the geothermal system is no longer needed for indoor heating, it should be noted that there is also a process to shut down the system, and the floor cooling process should also be gradual, not sudden, or it will affect the service life of the floor.

Moderate humidification

In winter, the climate is dry, coupled with the use of geothermal heating, and the floor is under high temperature for a long time, which is easy to cause drying and cracking. At this time, it is necessary to humidify the room appropriately to reduce the probability of cracking and deformation.

3. Cleaning and maintenance

Cleaning and dedusting

Winter is not a season to be lazy in dedusting and cleaning. The dry climate leads to the increase of dust. If it is not cleaned in time, moisture will accumulate in the gaps between the wooden floors, forming stubborn stains. Timely clean the floor and dust, which can also prevent sand or friction dust from accumulating and scraping the floor surface.

Moderate waxing

In dry winter, proper waxing of the floor can play a role in moisture-proof, damage prevention, increasing surface brightness and facilitating cleaning. However, if the number of waxing is too frequent, the floor will be damaged. Frequent waxing will lead to superposition of wax scale and wax layer, and there will be ash layer between the two wax layers, affecting the waxing effect.

Humidification and drying prevention

Indoor humidity Humidification measures should be taken when ≤ 40%. For example, when heating or floor heating is used in autumn and winter in northern China, the humidity will decrease significantly as soon as the indoor temperature increases. Therefore, humidifiers should be used in winter to increase the indoor air temperature and keep the indoor air humidity at 50% - 70%.

Avoid damage

The floor shall be free from hard (Heavy) objects collide and scratch to avoid damage. In addition, it should be noted that families may use some high-power electric heaters in winter. Do not directly place electric heaters, boiling kettles, stoves and other high-temperature objects on the floor to avoid high temperature scalding the floor surface.

The above is today's content. I hope it will be helpful to everyone!

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