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The texture of body and living makes the floor beautiful!

Release date: October 30, 2021 08:57:35 View: 4781
The floor texture must be tasted in the embodiment. In the years of calm, home brings you a touch of warmth. The floor is laid into a comfortable touch and beauty in the home flavor created by love. It is like a beautiful piano music, accompanying the quality of life every day in the elegant rhythm.
Slightly white moonlight, quiet and cold, like the bright moonlight in front of the window. The warmth of home is just in harmony with this cold silk, which contains our tired and anxious hearts. There is no warmth in the world, only the moonlight is just right and considerate.
Li Bai's poem goes, "Good wind can help me to go to Qingyun". A family with good looks and quality, like good wind can increase strength and make great progress. The wooden texture of the floor is like the wheat straw that has been exposed to the sun, with the imprint of time, bringing home temperature.
The Book of the Song Dynasty, Filial Piety to Emperor Wu, says: "He has a sincere ambition, a clear ambition, a quiet retreat, and no surrender to the present world." In the process of growing up, Wood has experienced the sun and rain, but he is not afraid of difficulties, and always looks as if he was before. The wood floor is simple and pure, just like the love that the family always insists on.

The ancients used "Yan" as the note of "Yan". The philosopher Kant also believed that beauty was a symbol of morality, and nothing could best reflect this beauty more than wood. Wood is friendly to nature. The words of wood's warmth turn into the color of the floor and the warmth and beauty of the writer.
Qi Ji, a monk poet of the Tang Dynasty, said in his poem "Passing the West Mountain Shijianwu's Former Residence": "When the crane sees that the pills are gone, the monk hears that the chestnuts are ripe. When the pines and bamboos are old, the birds and cranes return from Pei." The floor turns the mature autumn color of the chestnuts into the writer's heritage, and turns the naturally formed Zen into the writer's expression, and the family's appearance also has profound meaning.

Abandon the vanity design, pursue comfort and nature, and pay attention to physical and mental health.
Leaving a message.
