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It is dry in autumn, and the maintenance of wood flooring is especially critical!

Published on: September 28, 2021 09:08:33 View: 5171
In autumn, the climate is dry, and the dust in the air is easy to increase, so the floor should be diligent in dust collection. All kinds of floors need frequent dust removal, which will gradually become dry, and the air humidity is relatively low. Because of the use of wooden materials, the wooden floor in the home is easy to shrink. How to better take care of it? Here are some tips for you.

In autumn, the floor should be wiped clean before waxing and maintenance, and then the floor wax of the plastering layer should be evenly applied, slightly dry, and wiped with a soft cloth until it is smooth and bright. At the same time, open windows for ventilation to maintain indoor air circulation. In dry weather, humidifiers need to be used to regulate indoor humidity.

The gaps in the living room floor are rich in organic matter and warm and humid, which can easily become a hotbed for nourishing harmful microorganisms. After the floor is used for a period of time, substances harmful to health, such as mold, will be produced in the gaps. Mould can not only cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, but also respiratory and intestinal diseases in severe cases. Therefore, frequent cleaning of wooden floors and gaps in wooden floors can effectively reduce the breeding of bacteria and protect the living environment.

Dry mopping floor will be better for household cleaning. People are used to scrubbing the floor with wet cloth. Experience shows that dry mopping is better than wet mopping. When using a wet mop, water will seep into the joints and damage the floor, causing the floor to warp and deform. Even in dry seasons, try to wipe the floor dry when cleaning it. If it is wet, it is better to wring the mop dry before using it.
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