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[Floor agent] Wood floor maintenance skills, make the floor as bright as new!

Release date: 2021-07-26 16:43:02 View: 4923
When many friends decorate their homes, the floor is decorated with wood flooring. Compared with ceramic tiles, wood flooring is more comfortable, but it also has a disadvantage, that is, it is very difficult to take care of and easy to scratch, so it is necessary to master some correct wood floor maintenance skills. Now let's join Guolin Xiaobian to see the wood floor maintenance skills summarized by netizens to make the floor as bright as new!

1、 Oil stain on wood floor

If you accidentally get oil stains on the floor, don't mop the floor in a hurry to avoid spreading oil stains everywhere. First, sprinkle some salt on the oil stain. After the oil stain is dissolved by the edible salt, wipe it off with a paper towel. Finally, mop the floor with a mop, and it will be very clean.

2、 Glass residue

When you break a bowl or glass product carelessly, it is likely to scratch the wood floor if you do not pay attention to it. First, use a broom to gently collect large pieces of glass or broken porcelain pieces, and then use wide tape to stick around, so as to minimize the residue of glass residue. If you find some scratches on the wood floor, you can find a hot towel and cover it on the wood floor. It is useful for mild scratches. If the scratches are deep, you should ask a professional master to repair them.

3、 Wood floor maintenance

The wooden floor needs regular daily maintenance. Use hot water and white vinegar to match the cleaning solution, and use white vinegar to rinse mops. The cleaning effect is better, and white vinegar also has a certain disinfection effect. If you often use white vinegar to mop the floor, it can not only clean, but also sterilize, killing two birds with one stone.

The wooden floor will not appear very bright after being used for a long time, so it is necessary to keep the wooden floor dry at ordinary times. The wooden floor is easy to crack and swell when it is wet.

The wooden floor should also be waxed regularly. After waxing, the wooden floor looks brighter, and you should also pay attention not to direct sunlight.
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