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[Social trust] Kingdee Guan Yiyun won the 2022 Star Award of "Talent Gathering in Purple Bamboo Shining Minhang Fashion, Wujing Wonderful Scientific Innovation 2023 Celebration of Science and Technology Enterprises"

9,802 2023-03-24

March 22, 2023 Kingdee Guan Yiyun is honored to be invited to participate in the "Celebration of Science and Technology Enterprises in 2023, when talent gathers in Zizhu to shine in Minhang fashion, Wujing wonderful science and innovation". The event was co sponsored by Shanghai Zizhu, Shanghai Minhang District Science and Technology Enterprise Federation, and Wujing Town Community Party and Mass Service Center, and was held in Wujing Town Community Party and Mass Service Center.

This activity reviews the outstanding achievements of science and innovation in Minhang South in 2022 with four chapters of "science and innovation commendation, talent cooperation, sailing acceleration, and industrial integration", and looks forward to a better future of more win-win integration in 2023. Jindie Guan Yiyun Li Na attended the event on behalf of Jindie Guan Yiyun and won the "2022 Star of the Year Award".

It is worth mentioning that Shanghai Zizhu Science Park is currently the only park in China that operates in a completely market-oriented mode with "the government sets the stage, enterprises sing the opera, and universities provide resources". The park is located in the south of Shanghai. Zizhu ET space in the park has many years of experience in industrial park incubation, helping start-ups quickly cut into the industrial chain and solve initial survival problems. At present, it has helped more than 400 start-ups to get started. In addition, Zizhu ET Space also cooperates with large enterprises in the park, such as Intel, Neusoft, etc., to create an industrial integration and incubation ecology by docking the needs of enterprises for innovative technology, holding entrepreneurial competitions and other forms. This award also confirms the influence of Kingdee Guan Yiyun from the side.

Kingdee Guan Yiyun focuses on online retailers and New retail SaaS manufacturers are always committed to providing omni channel industry finance integration solutions with e-commerce as the core. At the same time, actively respond to the government's call to create, shoulder the impact of epidemic and other factors, focus on products and strengthen software competitive advantage; Focus on the market, strengthen the corporate image, and promote long-term sustainable development.

In the future, Kingdee Guanyi Cloud will continue to adhere to the mission of "serving customers wholeheartedly and helping customers succeed", grasp the demands of digital transformation of retail enterprises, strengthen product capabilities, improve service quality, and help more enterprises solve digital informatization problems.

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