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Is short video social e-commerce really so popular? Is it a gimmick or strength?

32,099 2019-07-10
Open up major application markets and search for dozens of short video apps. In addition, e-commerce, content, photography and other short video apps can't be finished. In the era of content as the king, short videos have quickly become an important means of content based e-commerce platforms after pictures, texts and live broadcasts.
Short video becomes a way of life on the Internet

According to Trusrdata statistics, 88% of Internet users will use short videos to socialize; 79% of Internet users obtain news information through short videos; 70% of Internet music users watch music videos/music albums through short videos; 41% of Internet users online retailers When shopping, they will watch short videos... short videos have become an Internet lifestyle.

Short video has grown rapidly, and the average daily use time has soared. In 2018, the average daily launch times of the short video industry reached 8, and the average daily use time was up to 87 minutes. Short video software, such as fast hand, dithering, volcano video, watermelon video, etc., became popular quickly, and tried to find their own share in the market. In April this year, Tiaoyin launched the shopping cart function unblocking plan to access JD in the form of applet. In addition, Tiaoyin will access other third-party platforms in a similar way to meet the relevant needs of users.

The rapid rise of short video in the online video market has created a wave of new traffic dividends, and has also made it a traffic pool and marketing position that various fields and major brands compete to seize. The explosion of short video content traffic has made e-commerce platforms see a new round of outlets, regard them as new shopping guides and open their own short videos.

In essence, social e-commerce is still a traffic oriented development model, with social networking as the main link to achieve traffic acquisition. Short videos are content oriented and become a major user of traffic. However, the short video content platform is suffering from difficulties in realization, while e-commerce is trapped in the vortex of diversion. The combination of the two is accidental and inevitable. Today, the short video business has more and more diversified ways of realization. Marketing implantation, advertising customization, rewards, online celebrity brokerage, brand operation and other successful practices, among which advertising, e-commerce and IP operation are the main ways.

According to the 2019 White Paper on Short Video Marketing, 40.5% of digital marketing decision-makers choose short video platforms as an important part of brand marketing, and 36.7% of digital marketing decision-makers add short videos to the digital marketing matrix. Undoubtedly, short video marketing has become an important part of the mobile marketing matrix and opened a new business profit model.

Why are so many people unwilling to buy?

For users


Goods purchased in short videos are often not cheap

Because they don't just have to pay for the product

More need to pay high advertising costs of merchants


The commodity quality of short video clock is not guaranteed


After sales of purchased goods are not guaranteed


User mismatch

Many users just want to watch videos

Even interesting advertising content

Dithering is not Taobao, but video shopping guide

Taobao is positioned as a big market, through which all buyers and sellers can trade. It is a trading platform. The positioning of Tiaoyin is a short video social platform. When we brush Tiaoyin, we are like shopping. We will buy whatever products we are interested in. So what should businesses do in the face of the whirlpool of short video social e-commerce?

Misunderstanding inventory

1. Absorb powder by making jokes or content unrelated to the product

2. Like to be lazy, send pictures or videos, and force advertising

3. There is no crowd orientation in the published content (low verticality)

What should businesses do?

1. Fan economy: accurate fan group

The fan attribute is the key advantage of vertical content to build content e-commerce. Vertical content is usually to solve people's practical problems in a professional field. This kind of content usually targets a vertical fan group. The relationship between the anchor and the user is very close, and the interaction is very frequent. If the user has a favorite anchor, he will choose to follow, become a fan, and look forward to the next content of the anchor. This means that fans are a very precise consumer group for content output. As long as the preciseness and professionalism of their products are ensured, it is easier to accumulate loyal fans with high stickiness.

2. Traffic sedimentation: content and community make traffic sedimentation

The advantages of the content e-commerce model itself are the important conditions for creating content e-commerce with vertical content. From the perspective of business model, content e-commerce has effectively shortened the distance between products and users. In the traditional e-commerce model, sellers need to obtain traffic in the public domain to compete with many competing products at a high cost. In the content e-commerce model, creators provide services and guidance in professional fields by producing content, attract fans from vertical fields to gather, and then provide personalized products according to fans' needs. From content production, dissemination to consumption transformation, the whole process forms a perfect closed loop. Therefore, businesses should do video marketing content with product as the core. In order to accurately find potential users, e-commerce needs to develop relevant video content based on products, rather than blindly online popularity economy. For example, funny jokes, handsome men and beautiful women will help you bring fan traffic, but they may not realize the real transformation of goods. Therefore, as a dithering e-commerce company, we need to develop video marketing content that is more suitable for our products, and achieve reasonable price marketing while ensuring the amount of content and fans.

At present, the content mode of dithering e-commerce can be divided into the following four categories:

1. Compared with similar products, recommend a better one [Evaluation]

2. The real demand is the most important, beautiful or practical product [grass planting]

3. Experience the use of products with quality or aesthetic problems [Lightning protection]

4. Promotion or promotion of preferential information of good products [low price]


These four core ideological models of content belong to four video forms, rather than four account types. We can refer to these models no matter what products we sell. To judge and tell the audience which product is better by our means is what shopping guides do. In this process, content condenses traffic. In the face of a large amount of traffic, we need to further build a fan community, achieve traffic precipitation through social channels such as WeChat, and establish strong relationships with users, thus reducing the cost of obtaining traffic. It is also more targeted when providing products and services to fans, which is an important advantage of content e-commerce.

3. High fan trust: celebrities and fans establish a strong relationship

Worry about product quality may exist for every consumer, because consumers will eventually abandon the desired product or store the product in the shopping cart forever if they do not understand the business, the platform, or too complex operation links. Therefore, in the context of content e-commerce marketing, the guidance of KOL has become the key for the public to generate purchase desire and improve the trust of fans. Potential users will interact with celebrities in the process of watching videos to generate social interaction. This relationship goes beyond the relationship between buyers and sellers. With the deepening of interaction, communication and continuous attention to content, fans and celebrities gradually build a sense of trust. This sense of trust or emotional preference will reduce fans' standards for products, and it is easier to form purchase motivation and complete the transformation from intention to decision.

Content e-commerce has built an efficient communication bridge between products and users, and has played an important role in promoting the realization of content and the acquisition of e-commerce traffic. Therefore, both content platforms and e-commerce platforms have started to work for the combination of content and e-commerce. On the one hand, the content platform gradually opens up e-commerce channels and constantly improves its own commercial marketing products. On the other hand, e-commerce platforms have also begun to move closer to content in recent years. At the same time, the traditional e-commerce platform also began to gradually transform, adding more content sectors, and even launched an independent short video APP to help content marketing.

5G is coming, and video will undoubtedly usher in greater development space. With the trend of short video content, the development of short video has also come to a crossroads, but how to integrate and innovate short video social e-commerce with other products, achieve a good combination of content and cash, and create a healthier and more matching market is a problem that all head enterprises should consider at present. As for social e-commerce, short videos are not all in the future. What determines how long social e-commerce can go in the future is how many new ways of development, how many new concepts can be derived, and how many new innovations can be made. Only by constantly combining the development of social e-commerce with new models, new technologies and new means can we continue to extend the life cycle of social e-commerce.

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