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Which cross-border e-commerce ERP system is best used? How about Guanyi Cloud ERP?

34,255 2019-07-05

What is cross-border online retailers ERP?

Mention ERP (Ent erp RiseResourcePlanning (enterprise resource planning) is generally thought of as a management platform based on information technology, which provides decision-making and operation means for enterprise decision makers and employees with systematic management ideas.
Now we generally refer to cross-border e-commerce ERP, which is specialized in serving the cross-border e-commerce segment ERP system It is used to connect cross-border e-commerce platforms and numerous third-party systems, and can realize multi platform account management, intelligent shipment, refined procurement, dynamic warehouse management, detailed statistical reports and other functions.

What are the pain points of cross-border e-commerce?

Account association is impossible to prevent, and multi account management is under great pressure
Reasonable procurement and laborious supply relationship management
Logistics selection and profit calculation
The inventory management process is tedious and often out of stock
Orders are missed or wrongly sent
Pre sales and after-sales customer service
Data statistics dizzy

How to select cross-border e-commerce ERP?

It is suggested to investigate the background and development of erp company;
Understand the user group. The number of users represents the strength and reputation of the other party;
It is very important for us to understand user service, perfect customer service, training and learning opportunities to use the ERP system.
In terms of system performance, it is still necessary to consider whether to support multiple platforms and accounts, whether there are intelligent rules, automatic sorting verification, batch processing for order processing, and whether it can be sent back to the platform in real time;
In terms of logistics management, it is necessary to ensure that the supported logistics providers have strong selectivity and obtain the waybill number and face bill timely and accurately;
The purchase, sales and inventory management should be intelligent and automated to realize the dynamic management of inventory and purchase, and support the supply chain management at the same time;
Of course, it's better to have a supporting CRM system. You should know that "customer care" is not trivial, such as automatically reminding buyers after delivery, and automatically completing order evaluation in a timely manner.

Guanyi Cloud C-ERP What about?

Guanyi Cloud c-erp products are built in a SaaS mode, which ensures excellent flexibility and availability of products on the premise of greatly reducing customer hardware and IT costs.

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