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What software can e-commerce sellers choose?

10,909 2022-10-27

online retailers Now it has become an indispensable part of life. For example, Taobao and Tmall, as we all know, belong to online retailers Derivatives, whether B2B, C2C, B2C, or O2O, are inseparable from a good platform and a good E-commerce software However, there are tens of millions of e-commerce software. The most important thing is to choose the right one that meets your needs.

E-commerce software can try Guanyi Cloud C-ERP Kingdee The Group's subsidiaries E-commerce and New retail As a subsidiary of the core business, it deeply integrates online and offline, and helps enterprises to realize the integrated transformation and upgrading of business, finance and tax! It meets the one-stop solution for the whole process of enterprise multi platform order synchronous processing, automatic disassembly, intelligent document review, exception interception, logistics exception warning, order wave printing, WMS intelligent warehouse management, purchase, sales and storage, online store management, etc.

The after-sales service of Guan Yiyun's ERP is also very considerate, with 7 × 10 hours online technical support, Double 11 Such e-commerce major event nodes provide on-site services to ensure that the problems in the use process can be solved in the first time, and the management ERP still supports Free trial , the functions and services during the trial period and official use are the same, please come to consult or call the hotline: 400-100-8226 , you can get the trial discount!

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