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Is it easy to use Wangdian? Which is better, Wangdian Tong or E-Dianbao?

33,638 2022-08-03

Usually there are many online retailers Practitioners will search on the Internet or ask people in the circle, such as "Does Wangdian Pass work well?", "Which is better, Wangdian Pass or E-Dianbao?". The core focus of such issues is brand, not e-commerce erp Or the e-commerce management system product itself, in essence, is a bit wasteful, because it is never the influence of the software manufacturer's brand that solves the problem for e-commerce enterprises, but the added value that the actual product functions and product features can provide for e-commerce enterprises.

Guan Yiyun acts as Kingdee The group's e-commerce cloud service sub brand has served more than 20000 brand enterprises in the past 11 years, including Dong'e Ejiao, Yili, Foxconn and other well-known enterprises. The current products also cover multiple scenarios in the whole industry, covering the whole process of e-commerce business, and can be seamlessly connected with Kingdee products, which can help retail enterprises quickly achieve online and offline integration, business and financial integration, and easily complete the rapid expansion of all channels.

At present, Guan Yiyun has 6 products and services, namely, the Sky E-commerce Cloud, the Starry E-commerce Cloud, the E-commerce ERP, the warehouse management system and the front-end shopping mall building services. The following will tell you how to choose Guan Yiyun's products by product.

Sky e-commerce cloud: a must for medium and large retail/e-commerce enterprises, with a set of systems to manage omni channel business.
be based on Golden Butterfly Cloud Skype PaaS platform research and development, cloud native architecture, supports second level expansion, opens up the whole link process from order downloading to financial voucher generation on e-commerce platform, has strong data analysis capability, can provide enterprises with retail full link intelligent applications from production, procurement, marketing, finance to organization management, data penetration at all levels, and helps enterprises achieve digitalization Intelligent transformation and upgrading.

Star e-commerce cloud: enterprise omni channel digital core middle platform (omni channel order management middle platform)
be based on Kingdee Cloud The research and development of the aPaaS platform can help enterprises to seamlessly connect with each sales channel, connect the full data link, efficiently support the enterprise's million order processing business, and carry out an online and offline inventory.

C-ERP (e-commerce ERP): reliable e-commerce all-round expert, necessary for small and medium-sized e-commerce sellers
EC-ERP (client product), born in Guan Yiyun's early days, after 11 years of polishing, adapted to a variety of complex e-commerce business scenarios, docked to the 130+e-commerce platform across the network, supported 90% of online order automatic processing, synchronized changes in inventory across the network, and combined with handheld PDAs, could achieve efficient warehouse management, help e-commerce sellers get through the full link management from order to storage, and achieve an inventory through all channels, Online and offline same goods, same price and same service.

Warehouse management system (WMS): a refined intelligent warehouse management system necessary for large and medium-sized e-commerce enterprises
The product has intelligent wave and in warehouse strategy, customized operation process and multiple operation modes, and the inventory accuracy is increased by 30%; The efficiency of goods picking and delivery has been improved by 20% due to the dynamic accounting and visual management; Multi dimensional inventory and user-defined report are applicable to enterprises with many varieties and batches, high frequency of entry and exit, and high requirements for shelf life and traceability

Front end shopping mall construction: shopping mall system applicable to different e-commerce business scenarios, including traditional online shopping mall, WeChat shopping mall and fast station construction series shopping mall
Traditional online shopping mall: to meet the retail, wholesale, distribution and other business needs of users, it is an independent shopping mall display and trading website system suitable for traditional customers and Taobao brand customers
Easy to use and quick to use: go online in 60 seconds, making you easy to use and powerful e-commerce and portal functions
Wemall: complete mall functions, excellent customer management functions, and comprehensive data analysis capabilities

Therefore, the question of "Is it easy to use Wangdian Tong?" or "Which is better, Wangdian Tong or E-Dianbao.

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