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How can e-commerce sellers or enterprises do well in community marketing?

28,950 2019-07-08

The key reason for the rapid development of community operations is that the Internet community can become more loyal to customers, take customers as their family members, and upgrade the payment of goods based on in-depth interaction, resulting in repeated market sales, multiple market sales and a large number of sales, which not only builds economic development benefits, And customers can boost the development trend of well-known brands. Unlike most traditional marketing natural environments, commodity sales are based on one shot sales. When customers have to find you, they happen to find you. When they don't use it, they find no one. At last, the event communication will be "exchange", "return" and "maintenance"; Therefore, when the value of community use is established, people should soberly maintain customers, for example, show some tasteless service items to attract customers first;

To some extent, community and traffic (or private domain traffic) are closely related. To operate a community well means to operate the economic development of well-known brand customer groups.

Traffic is the basis of any business service and the fate line of a store. Traffic is always more and more expensive, and market competition is always more and more fierce. This will tell him that people must rely on their own private domain traffic to survive.

online retailers The flow is indispensable. When the flow is scarce, you should not only grab the flow in others' bowls, but also be ready for others to grab. Therefore, it has "private domain traffic", which literally means the traffic belonging to itself.

Community is the organizational structure of "private domain traffic", which is the fourth form of "private domain traffic". To maintain the popularity of private domain traffic, stores must organize and operate customer groups according to community methods, so as to accurately attract and gather a large number of willing customers according to the community, which means the use value of community for e-commerce businesses.

This article first describes the basic operation and marketing rules of the community from the general manufacturing industry and the definition of everyone, and will cross e-commerce examples.

1、 What is community?

Theoretically, a community is a non empty subset of a certain subculture group, which has the characteristics of coldness and lithospherization.

It is a group that makes famous brands, runs businesses, and makes precise positioning. This group has some mutual characteristics, which leads to value orientation. (People call it the imaginary community)

Community is a group of people with mutual requirements, interests, preferences and subcultures when we media platforms are popular.

Community economy, which now refers specifically to the Internet technology community, is a large group of people with mutual value orientation and subculture, who rely on application scenarios and Chinese programs and are considered and required by certain Internet projects; The core business service form of customers can obtain high use value and reduce transaction costs.

The key characteristics of a community are its separation and interest. In addition, it is different from online celebrity economy. One is decentralized and the other is blockchain technology.

Community economy is not only the core of the company, but also contains diversified commercial services and goods. It is a cross time, indoor space and regional food network with Internet technology as the vector.

Classification of communities:
Product based community: Xiaomi mobile phone
Interest community: public comments
Well known brand community: car club
Knowledge based community: Luo Ji's thinking, Zhihu Q&A
Special tool community: mobile WeChat, Sina Weibo, Today's Headlines, Momo Live, people near qq, nails
Commutative community: Luo Ji thinks that he is also a product type. All of them are knowledge type and interest type.

Just like Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, it is not only a physiological need, but also a need for security. It attaches importance to self realization, and the highest level is self transcendence.
In the Internet era, community is the driving force of sales channels. If it is combined with the Internet technology operation mode, it will have more bouncing personality characteristics.

2、 Why do communities arise?

1. The development trend of mobile Internet technology, efficient and appropriate special tools; Such as mobile WeChat, Sina Weibo, today's headlines.
2. Utilitarianism: why does the community exist? That is to say, it gives the unpopular people a sense of superiority and belonging.
3. High efficiency and cost of the same challenge.

The key is subculture and mutual value orientation.

At that time, a certain kind of subculture was very important, such as literature or plastic arts, school study, vacation tourism, brand marketing planning, precise positioning, marketing and practical practice. Maybe it was the academic school of basic theory, I feel that I am a Chinese style family marketer and despise the positioning theory of outsiders. I feel that it is deceiving. That means that the birds of a feather flock together, that is, social circles, that is, communities.

Why are many unpopular goods difficult to sell under Shanghai Volkswagen's marketing? That is to say, because the unpopular commodities are enough to support the point mode and mass dissemination, and the group and consumption are decentralized, the community can quickly grasp the precise customers, but the integrity and utility of the community can be guaranteed by social networking sites.
In particular, the unpopular user group promotes channel marketing, carries out precise drainage, and ultimately promotes the consumption fashion trend of Shanghai Volkswagen.

3、 How to do community marketing?

7 principles of community operation

Rule 1: Create Super IP

Authority shaping and super IP shaping, one is brand super IP, the other is individual super IP shaping. Through personification, empowerment, topic and content capabilities to create super IP and marketing potential, we can finally achieve greater increment and sales transformation through traffic, traffic precipitation and operation.

In the era of mobile Internet, the community is very popular, but there are few communities that are really doing, valuable and profitable.

The second rule: subculture and common values

Why is the group you set up stagnant and inactive?

Just imagine why there is nothing to say when meeting friends or old classmates who have not seen each other for decades. It is because everyone is in a completely different environment and experience, and has no common interests and topics. How can there be good communication and exchange? How can we be active without any community with common interests?

In the Internet era, birds of a feather flock together.

You need to find the right person! It is especially critical for subsequent seed users.

It needs to be transformed. Those who have an ideal based on a certain product or career, gather people together, work hard for a certain goal, and finally achieve the goal, which is called community.

Subculture is the core force of community driven.

We met this problem when planning a self spray painting. At first, we wanted to cut into the graffiti market through creativity, fun, and great tonality to move and ignite the market.

A very popular graffiti group in the United States, which includes artists, fans, audience, etc., is a very artistic way of life, but it is totally absent in China.

In China, there is not only no such circle, but also no such atmosphere. In other words, the power of such people can be ignored, so it is difficult to drive the transformation of brands and products.

Such a community can either not be formed or has no effect.

Later, the whole marketing has been greatly improved by starting from the high frequency scenarios, such as waterproof, mold proof and fog proof, because the core crowd and community can drive transformation and sales.

The third rule: scene shaping

A good product is a product in the scenario. There is no absolute demand, only the demand in the scenario. We should choose the scene that is easiest to break through to solve the transformation problem.

Because many categories and products cannot be recognized by the public, ordinary channels and sales methods are basically ineffective.

It is a very good way to start from the scene. Under a certain scene, consumers will not regard price and brand as the primary standards, but rather a certain atmosphere, value, honor, face, recognition.

At this time, as long as the experience is good, transformation will occur.

We have made three scene products for Dicromet self painting: travel waterproof, home mold proof, and driving fog proof. Well start from understanding and pain points, and give solutions. And we use community agency to operate, and have achieved good results.

Rule 4: Content output (what is your product? What is your product portfolio and ecology)

People who enter the group either come to gain business opportunities, or learn something or focus on a profitable product or project. In short, what value the group has for its members.

I still think that there needs to be a product or project, otherwise, there is no time to talk nonsense and output content around products and projects.

The biggest pain point is simply how to realize it through the community.

It can be regular professional voice sharing, or high-quality articles, or online or offline activities can be organized (in various forms, such as cocktail party, salon, seminar, a theme sharing, expert lectures, and forums). To form a combination and ecological.

Rule 5: Continuous operation

The most important part is operation.

Why does someone operate well and others operate mediocrely? This requires long-term accumulation of relevant resources and skills. For example, materials, pictures, and text materials need long-term exercise to make things efficient and effective. Is literary talent important, but not the most important? Adhering to the continuous original output and valuable content, and forming a sub cultural group and fan base is the driving force.

Persistence, persistence, persistence, persistence. Say important things four times.

Need planning, creativity and planning.

What the platform users like needs your experience and observation. For example, when I post an article, the number of visitors has declined, and only a few people watch professional articles. You need to combine hot spots, such as columns, audio and video recommendations are very high, but you also need to plan the content, conform to the user's habits, and purchase habits. The price is low and the quantity is small. For example, in the 199 class, 30-50 lectures are not good. If you do 10-20 lectures and 99 lectures, the effect is very good. If you do 3-5 lectures and buy 29.9 lectures, how will the effect be? This needs constant testing and improvement.

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