Fresh food sorting: Fresh food sorting is generally divided into filling, recording, counting, typing and throwing. Fill in the weighing data, enter the actual weighing into the table, calculate the order price, print the delivery note and input the corresponding vegetable basket.

  • Fresh food sorting methods (there are several ways to sort fresh food)

    According to statistics, a small and medium-sized distribution enterprise will generally be equipped with 6-8 sorting personnel, which is a considerable cost for the enterprise. The most concentrated and prominent problem of fresh food management is the problem of cargo damage, among which, how to optimize the sorting is recognized as a problem in the industry. From start-up distribution enterprises to hundreds of millions of industry giants, it is inevitable. There are several ways of efficient fresh sorting. fresh

    Classification: Fresh food distribution 2022-12-12
  • Fresh food sorting erp system (which is better for fresh food intelligent sorting system erp)

    According to statistics, a small and medium-sized distribution enterprise will generally be equipped with 6-8 sorting personnel, which is a considerable cost for the enterprise. Therefore, how to create more benefits and values is an urgent problem for many fresh food enterprises. Cost reduction and efficiency increase is an unavoidable topic for all fresh food distribution enterprises. Which link will you start with first, namely, purchase, order receiving, sorting and return

    Classification: Fresh food distribution 2022-12-12
  • Function introduction of fresh food sorting scale

    The fresh food industry in China has a wide market and is developing rapidly. However, with the continuous improvement of people's requirements for fresh sorting and distribution, the traditional fresh sorting method has shown its disadvantages, so we need a new sorting method to help the fresh industry achieve intelligent sorting and promote the development of the fresh industry. Is the fresh food sorting scale easy to use? How to choose an intelligent electronic scale for fresh food sorting?

    Classification: Fresh food distribution 2022-11-15
  • The division requirements of fresh food sorters shall be checked to see whether they are in place!

    Abstract: The efficiency is not high. Intelligent decomposition can effectively solve this problem. The fresh food distribution system can help the sorter to carry out intelligent weighing and fill in the form automatically, which will undoubtedly free the sorter from heavy work. In sorting Fresh food distribution industry is an industry with strict internal management. Fresh food is needed in our daily life. The delivery process should be efficient to ensure raw food

    Classification: Fresh food distribution 2020-03-02
  • Intelligent electronic scale sorting system for fresh food improves efficiency more than a little

    Abstract: The emergence of intelligent electronic scale sorting system for fresh food greatly improves the sorting efficiency of sorters and reduces the sorting error rate. The traditional sorting mode corresponds to the commodities to be sorted one by one against the paper data sheet. Fresh food With the emergence and development of fresh food distribution, many fresh food enterprises need to face the problems of urgent sorting time and high labor costs. Enterprise management

    Classification: Fresh food distribution 2020-02-28
  • The sorting process of fresh food distribution is very particular!

    Abstract: Now many fresh food distribution systems can help with sorting. With the help of the system, the labor cost can be reduced and the work pressure of employees can be reduced. Therefore, fresh distributors should pay attention to the sorting process, reduce the work pressure of employees, and improve In the process of fresh food distribution, sorting is a very important step. Only good sorting can improve the distribution efficiency. Therefore, fresh food distributors should

    Classification: Fresh food distribution 2020-02-22

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