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Make the Youth Night School a "People's Livelihood Project" where the Party and the government are satisfied with the benefits of youth
Spiritual Aids of Navigation
Hundreds of repetitions, only for special children to stand on their own
Three generations of "Artemisia annua people" relay let the "China plan" go to sea
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China Communist Youth League
special More>>>
· Carry out learning and implementation of Xi Jinping's theme of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era education and learning platform for the vast number of League members and young people
· A series of reports on Xi Jinping and University Students
· Excellent case collection activity of big ideological and political course
· Struggle with passers-by in youth
· World Youth Development Forum
· Official website of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China
· The fifth national youth culture boutique collection recommendation activity
· The members of the delegation study the 20th National Congress
· Celebrate heroes and martyrs at the Tomb Sweeping Festival and jointly cast the Chinese soul
China Communist Youth League
  Tuangan Gas Station
In the volunteer service, discover the proper meaning of growth
The Necessity and Urgency of Voluntary Service in Primary and Secondary Schools
How to Play a Role in the Western Development in the New Era
Ideological and political education needs to learn from and absorb aesthetic education
Individual Differences of Young College Students and Precision Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities
How to Catch the Heart of the Post 00s in the Ideological and Political Course of University
On the Youth Work of the Party
Understanding Chinese Modernization
Building a Cultural Power
  Youth Development Plan
 333333.jpg   For four consecutive years, a grand ceremony was held for college graduates, and Jinan renewed its youth invitation.
Chongqing: 48 measures to serve the "whole life cycle" of youth development
Zigong Station held the theme publicity and exchange activity of "Leading Urban Youth"
Sichuan Zigong Issued Opinions to Safeguard the Rights and Interests of Youth
Shanghai Xuhui: Run night school in youth gathering place
Hefei, Anhui: eager for talent courtesy and talent retention
Suzhou: youth traffic password to unlock the "City of the Future"
Western Plan More>>>
 Untitled - 1.jpg   Over the past 25 years, 312 members of the research group of Xiamen University have devoted their youth to sowing the seeds of hope in Ningxia and singing the song of youth in the new era.
Volunteer teaching essay: This is "Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter" for me and the children
The research group of Anhui University of Technology opened a dream building class to light up the dreams of mountain children
Suzhou University: Fifteen years of volunteer education has made "Huihan" people young
Jiangsu University Held the 26th Postgraduate Teaching Delegation's Expedition Ceremony
Volunteer story: "Teacher, you finally come back to see us!"
Teaching experience: Although moss flowers are small, they are ambitious
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China Communist Youth League
China Communist Youth League

Copyright: Communist Youth League Central Address: No. 10, Qianmen East Street, Beijing 100005, China Jing ICP Bei No. 10020375 | JGGWAB No. 11010102007010